This Full Moon falls on May 3rd in 13 degrees Scorpio. The Moon represents the principle and quality of consciousness of soul and the subconscious mind. Contained within the soul or subconscious mind is the storehouse of memories–not just of this lifetime but all of our past lives. We are our history and past experiences influence and define us today. This is where our ancient patterns of thinking, feeling and action reside to influence us in a subconscious manner. In addition, the soul or subconscious mind is the container of all of our hidden powers and abilities that make us the cosmic beings that we are. Most of us have no idea how vast these powers are. It is our job to unfold these hidden powers and abilities and live our full potential. To make us aware of this and motivate us to do the required work to unfold these abilities is the intent of this Full Moon. Scorpio rules this aspect of our being.
The keyword for this Full Moon is Responsibility. The responsibility that is being referred to is the requirement to consciously work with the kundalini–the evolutionary force within us–for the unfoldment of the subconscious mind into consciousness. In this way we unfold 100 percent of the mind and correspondingly unfold all of the hidden powers and abilities within us. This is one way to describe enlightenment and cosmic consciousness which is the goal of human evolution. The most effective way to achieve this is through meditation and other spiritual technologies of consciousness.
With the Sun in Taurus opposed to the Moon in Scorpio we also have Jupiter squaring this Full Moon. This is telling us that we have to have a correct metaphysical and philosophical understanding of the higher truths of life in order to have success in the process of growth of consciousness. The truth shall set you free.
The New Moon this month falls in Taurus 26 degrees on May 17. New Moons are times for seeding and planting new intentions. These new intentions need to be clearly thought out and then put into action. Taurus wants us to improve our quality of life financially so that we will be able to more fully enjoy this beautiful world in which we live. Venus, the planetary rule of Taurus, is the principle of love, money, pleasure, enjoyment, creativity and beauty. It is not the only thing that we are here to do by any means but life is intended to be experienced and enjoyed. Taurus and Venus rule the senses which open us up to the beauty and potential enjoyment of this world. It is soon discovered that the more success we achieve financially the more resources that we have to experience and appreciate the finer things of life. The keyword for this New Moon is Mastership. The mastership that is being referred to here is the mastership of money and wealth and abundance. This is the 3rd or spiritual decanate of Taurus and it relates not just to the material but also the spiritual mastery of money. Some of the spiritual laws that relate to the mastery of money are that you should give more than you receive; that you should be raising consciousness through what you do; that you should be making your contribution to creating a better world; and that you develop a state of consciousness of non-attachment to the results of what you do.
Mars is conjuncting the New Moon giving strength to the motivation to put these intentions into action. Saturn is opposing and Neptune is squaring the New Moon demanding clarity and focus in your intentions in order to overcome the obstacles and resistance in the outer environment to your intentions.

15-14 Scorpio Full Moon

15-14 Taurus New Moon


Lunar eclipses are extra potent Full Moons. Eclipses occur every six months and establish a rhythm of change, transformation and breakthroughs. This Full Moon total lunar eclipse happens on April 4th. It should be visible from North and South America, Asia and the Pacific. It occurs in Libra 14 degrees. Of all the twelve signs of the zodiac Libra is wanting to master relationship. Everything involves relationship. Nothing exists in isolation. It is the challenge to balance, harmonize and integrate self with not-self. Ultimately we discover that the not-self is also the Self.
Libra is the Scales. It wants to keep everything in balance. In fact balance is one of the most important principles of life and the universe. The One differentiates itself into two and the two needs to stay in balance through mutual and equal giving and receiving. Or to put it another way in which it is more applicable to our times–that of taking and not giving back. That is what man has done with Nature to where we are reaping the karmic results of this imbalance. But it is an ever bigger issue where mankind takes from one’s fellow man without reciprocating with equal giving. Our world is out of balance and our relationships are out of balance. This unequal fact of our economic system where the more powerful take without balanced giving back is one of the fundamental problems with our world. It is time to start redressing these imbalances.
The keyword for this full Moon lunar eclipse is Independence. The intent here is the necessity of having a strong sense of self and individuality that is able to balance out all of the people and situations that would take advantage of you. It requires a strong sense of identity to keep things in balance between self and not-self. It is critical that you know who you are and what you stand for in the dynamic interactions of life. If you don’t you will come out on the short end of things.
The New Moon falls in Aries 28 degrees on April 18. New Moons always mark new beginnings and seed planting time for new intentions and ambitions. Aries is that sign of the zodiac that is the most passionately dedicated to self discovery. It supports our discovery of our unique talents and abilities and the unfoldment of our spiritual identity and individuality. What makes us uniquely ourselves? This time marks an opportunity to gain clearer insight into these important questions. We always want to be growing and stretching ourselves of becoming more of who we intrinsically are. Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries, is the archetype of the warrior whose path is that of action, doing, accomplishing and achieving. One of the most important processes that we go through is discovering who we are through what we do. This New Moon is wanting to seed new paths of action for you to unfold.
The keyword for this New Moon is Propaganda. This is the third or spiritual decanate of Aries and it embodies the teaching that the pen is mightier than the sword. This is the metaphysical and philosophical expression of Aries. It embodies the archetype of the spokesperson for a higher cause, a higher truth and the driving need and passion to communicate these truths to others. Its intent is to raise consciousness to higher truth. What do you believe in? Do you live this and share this with others? Now is the time to speak your truth.

15-04 Libra Lunar Eclipse

15-18 Aires New Moon


The Virgo Full Moon falls on March 5. With the Sun in Pisces and the Moon opposing in Virgo we have an archetypally stressful situation. Pisces is the sign of the zodiac that expresses the ultimate spirituality and wholeness of life. Virgo rules matter and the nature of that aspect of mind of intellect which tears the wholeness into pieces in order to understand it. Virgo rules the materialistic science that has dominated the world for the last number of centuries. This polarization of light of this Full Moon is wanting to create the conditions for the balancing, harmonization and integration of spirit and matter, the ideal and the real, and the parts with the wholeness. We are at a crisis point in our world where if we don’t change our ways there could be quite a bit of destruction.
The keyword for this Full Moon in Virgo 14 degrees is Experience. The experience that is being referred to here is the experience of good and evil. Virgo is in search of the truth and in its quest it must develop discernment and discrimination. It is essential that each of us must develop the ability to differentiate between right and wrong, light and darkness, and good and evil. Look around and see what you think. Here is an uncomfortable truth: Darkness and evil rule this world as we know it. Can you tell? If you can’t you better wake up. This Full Moon is intending to alert you to this reality.

The Pisces New Moon on March 20 is also a total solar eclipse. This is a New Moon with an extra added punch to it. Solar eclipses are about rebooting the system. This eclipses primary focus of influence is Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. As a New Moon it is expressing the archetype of the seed planter which intends to plant the seeds of new beginnings. In addition, 13 hours after the New Moon the Sun enters into Aries marking the beginning of Spring and the Spring Equinox. In addition, several days before the New Moon Uranus and Pluto will have formed their seventh and final exact square to each other since 2007. This is a very potent New Moon for change.

The New Moon falls in Pisces 29 degrees. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and represents in principle our cosmic goal of evolution. This is the conscious realization and living of the wholeness of the ultimate spirituality of life. We also want to note that there are only 30 degrees to a sign so when planets fall in 29 degrees there is an additional layer of karma associated with it. That additional layer of karma is one of urgency to fulfill the underlying intention. The underlying intention is expressed in the keyword for the New Moon which is Vicissitudes. Vicissitudes expresses through difficulties and challenges. It represents completion patterns that it is urgent to fulfill. This is potentially a powerful transformative time that will include challenging situations that need to be dealt with. Remember that something good is happening. We are in the midst of a death and rebirth process that is leading to greater light.

15-05 Virgo Full Moon

15-20 Pisces Solar Eclipse

Meditation Videos

Dear Friends

Thomas Deinema, a good friend, has been promoting some of my class lecture cds on his website– There are also videos of my lectures. Please visit his website and see the videos and if you are so moved “Like us” on Facebook. You can share the link to the videos with friends.

Thank you. Enjoy.


The Full Moon this month falls on February 3 in Leo 14 degrees. The Sun/ Moon opposition from Aquarius to Leo emphasizes the unfoldment of light. The Sun is in Aquarius opposing the Moon in Leo. The Sun represents our conscious sense of self and the Moon is our subconscious self. This dynamic is a process of expanding our sense of self in an enlightened manner on both the conscious and subconscious levels. This situation wants us to recognize our creative potential. We are creator beings whose responsibility is to be conscious co-creators with Source. Now is an important time for this creative potential to be expressed.
The keyword for this Full Moon is Reformation. Reformation is the archetype of the reformer. The reformer sees what is wrong with a situation, and sees what is needed to correct the situation, and has the drive and motivation to correct that which needs to be corrected. Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and understanding, is conjunct the Moon and trine Uranus. This supports enlightened creative approaches to solving problems. Mercury is retrograde and conjunct the Sun opposing the Moon/ Jupiter conjunction adding a potential element of complication to the solving of the problems. There must be accurate analysis and clear communication for this to be resolved effectively.
The New Moon this month falls in Aquarius 29 degrees on February 18. New Moons mark a time of seed planting of new intentions and the beginning of a new cycle. Aquarius, the initiator, wants us to open up to expanded possibilities and stretch the envelope. There are only 30 degrees to a sign so when a planet falls in 29 degrees there is an additional layer of karma associated with it. The karma involved is that there is an urgency for completion and fulfillment of the intention now. The keyword for this New Moon is Repression. The New Moon is planting the seed of intention to release ourselves from repression. The common denominator of repression is fear. Fear is based in the false perception of our separation from the Source. We are as connected with the Source as we ever were but most people are not conscious of their connection. Separation is an illusion. The initiation of repression is not about getting repressed– we are already repressed. The intention here is to get unrepressed. Saturn, the planet of fear and repression, is squaring the Sun/ Moon/ Neptune stellium challenging us to face our fears. We must release and let go of our fear based thinking, feeling and action. These manifest as our self limiting patterns that hold us back from living the fullness of life. When we conquer fear we achieve a state of freedom and liberation. This is what this Aquarius New Moon represents.

15-09 Leo Full Moon

15-09 Aquarius New Moon


The Full Moon falls in Cancer 14 degrees on January 4. The Capricorn Sun and the Cancer Moon are in opposition. The cosmic principles of Father/ Mother, spirit/ matter, will/ love are in dynamic tension. Their polarities are wanting to be balanced, harmonized and integrated. With the Moon in its ruling sign Cancer it is in its greatest strength and power. Cancer Full Moons occur once a year. It is emphasizing our collective need to connect more deeply with soul and nature. This represents the deeper aspect of our being that needs nurturing and healing. To live one’s life with soul is to simplify and get back to basics. Growing and cooking your own food, hiking in nature, reducing the technology in your life, reading a good book, etc.
The keyword for this New Moon is Revelation. Revelation has to do with turning your attention within and connecting with and trusting your feelings and emotions. They are the expression of your soul. It is a part of you to open up to your inner insights that are important for you to recognize. It is part of your process of awakening. It is time to make it conscious.
Pluto conjuncts the Sun in its opposition to the Moon and together they square the North and South Nodes of the Moon in Libra and Aries respectively. The North Node or Dragon’s Head represents where we want to grow and evolve and improve. The South Node or Dragon’s Tail represents the past and that which we are wanting to let go of. The South Node also conjuncts Uranus activating the Uranus/ Pluto square intensively at this Full Moon. What is formed is a cardinal grand cross which represents conflicts of will. These conflicts concern the past and the future, the outer and the inner and selfishness and competition with harmony and cooperation. It is time for enlightened change.
The New Moon this month falls in Aquarius 0 degrees on January 20. This time for planting the seeds of intention is about recognizing within ourselves and within life the fundamental principles of creative intelligence. We are creator beings–we are wired to create. What we sometimes create could be questionable in terms of value –and guess what–we can even create problems and difficulties. Unfortunately these negative expressions of creativity are very apparent in our world. But it is very important that we discover individually and collectively our creativity. We need to feed and give expression to this very important part of ourselves.
The keyword for this New Moon is Originality. This originality is the expression of our genius and creativity. It is the archetype of the inventor that is manifesting that which is new and different and ahead of its time. Start finding ways and means that you can express more of your individuality through what you do. It can be quite fulfilling.
The Sun/ Moon conjunction in Aquarius 0 degrees is sextiling Saturn, the primary ruler of Aquarius. Saturn is the planet of manifesting and expresses the character qualities of organization, self discipline, patience and perseverance. These are the keys to manifesting. Mercury and Venus are also in Aquarius adding additional stimulation to our creative thinking and feeling. It is time to start something new that is important to you.

15-15 Cancer  Full Moon

15-15 Aquarius New Moon

Subject Line:

Do You Sometimes Feel Stuck in Survival Mode?

Hi Friends,

Do you sometimes feel stuck in survival mode?

I’m talking about having the sense that you’re just getting by.

Maybe you’ve reached a plateau in your business or settled for a job that doesn’t make you feel vibrantly alive.

Or maybe your financial situation is always a bit (or a lot) tighter than you’d like.

The bottom line is, you dream about being happier, more fulfilled, and making more money.

If that’s you, then you need to join me for a FREE event that could have a profound impact on your life.

Let me explain why I’m so excited to invite you to this event.

It’s specifically designed to help you move beyond frustration, fear, and scarcity. It’s focused on giving you positive action steps that will lead you toward the lifestyle and income you want.

This FREE 10-day virtual gathering is called The Art of Mindful Wealth Summit. Wealth and abundance coach, Leisa Peterson, put it together by asking me and 30+ other world-leading entrepreneurs how we created thriving businesses we love.

The conversations that resulted were amazing. They revealed that:

• Each of us had faced major obstacles to get where we are.

• We all got through those hurdles by tapping into a similar, empowering mindset and then taking specific, concrete steps to create exactly the life we want.

Trust me, you need to hear these—and discover there’s nothing we did that you can’t do!
Claim your spot in The Art of Mindful Wealth Summit and you’ll gain:

• Ideas for making more money quickly
• Techniques for developing a wealthy mindset
• Strategies you’ll use right away to thrive in business and in life
• FREE resources that support your success
• And much, much more!

The Art of Mindful Wealth Summit gives you a blueprint for permanently moving past settling for less than you want (and getting less than you deserve). You’ll start thinking like the happy people who have achieved the kind of prosperity and joy we all yearn for.

You’ll be amazed when you hear what some of the most successful entrepreneurs have pushed through. Things like major health challenges and financial catastrophes.

And if we could do it, you can too!

I know great success and happiness is as possible for you as it was for me. And in The Art of Mindful Wealth Summit, you’ll see how.

Here’s to your success,

Robert Ayres
Astological Alchemy

P.S. Each interview in this series is only available for FREE for a limited time. If you’re ready to follow your passion while making a great living…

CLICK HERE TO GET FREE ACCESS NOW! ( Do You Sometimes Feel Stuck)


This lunation cycle reaches its climax of Full Moon in Gemini 14 degrees on December 6. This Full Moon is emphasizing the need for us to change our thinking. The evolution of consciousness is the primary force of life and the cosmos and in order for us to live this impulse in our own lives it necessitates that we open up our minds to greater truths and realities and change our thinking. Gemini is all about the realization of Truth. The quest for truth should be an important value and goal for each of us. Our present society and our thinking and institutions are centers of untruth and that is why there is so much conflict, suffering and pain in our world. When our thinking is based in truth we live in harmony with the laws of nature and the cosmos and we live in total flow with life. The keyword for this Full Moon is Fidelity which is about fidelity and loyalty to the truth. This Full Moon has the capacity to provide us insights for our pursuit of truth.
This Full Moon includes a fire grand trine/kite consisting of Sun, Venus/ Mercury in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Leo, trine Uranus in Aries with the Moon sextiling Jupiter and Uranus. Kites are the best planetary configurations possible. Fire is spirit which expresses as enthusiasm, inspiration and the joy of life. The ongoing Uranus/Pluto square is exact for the sixth time on December 14. This square represents the changes that need to be made for us to correctly evolve into the future. See what kind of enlightened changes you can make in your own life.
The New Moon falls in Capricorn 0 degrees on December 21–Winter Solstice. With the Winter Solstice and the New Moon occurring on the same day it is an exceptionally powerful time to plant seeds of intention. It is a perfect time to begin any New Year’s resolutions that you may have. Associated with this process it is also a good time for a review of the past year and recognize what has been accomplished and what still remains to be done. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign which expresses as worldly power and authority which manifests as business and government. One of the things that we are here to do is master the world. The character qualities that are needed to do this are organization, self discipline, patience and perseverance. This is what is required to mold matter to your will. The keyword for this New Moon is Organization. We need to be organized and clear about our priorities and stay focused on out goals in order to achieve our intentions.
Besides the Sun and Moon being in Capricorn we also have Mercury, Pluto and Venus here forming a stellium or point of power that gives additional strength to this time of new beginnings. They are sextiling Neptune, the planet of spirituality and idealism which supports us striving to achieve the ideal. Let’s go for it.

14-12 Gemini Full Moon

14 12 Capricorn New Moon


The Full Moon falls in Taurus 14 degrees on November 6. With the Sun, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio opposing the Moon there is a great deal of tension. In addition Jupiter squares the Moon and squares the Sun, Venus and Saturn. The Taurus Moon is emphasizing our sense or lack thereof of financial safety and security. Economically things are better now than what they have been but there is still significant caution and fear related to our financial well being. Jupiter’s square to the Full Moon represents the tendency to work really hard for the same or lesser amounts of money. But we must remember that the Taurus Moon is emphasizing the personal work that needs to be done on improving our self esteem and self worth. One of the principles of money is our ability to receive. This ability to receive is based on how deserving we feel about obtaining wealth and abundance. There is an inner state of being that needs to be established for us to achieve the financial success that we desire.
The keyword for this New Moon is Struggle. The struggle that is being referred to here is the challenge of trying to find our true career and profession–to find our dharma or spiritual purpose and make that our career and profession and make that the basis of how we create wealth and abundance. This is the true goal of everyone but so very few have achieved it. Now is the time to evaluate how you are doing with the work you do and whether it is your true calling.
The New Moon this month falls in Sagittarius 0 degrees on November 22. The New Moon is seed planting time when we focus our intention on achieving something. This New Moon is forming a stellium or point of power and focus of some significance. In addition to the Sun and Moon being conjunct Venus, Mercury and Saturn join them. Five out of ten planets being together in the sky is a powerful joining of forces.
Sagittarius is reminding us to look at the big picture and get our perspective. It is the metaphysical philosophical sign of the zodiac that wants us to ask important questions–What is life all about? What is its meaning and purpose? How do I fit into this game of life? Jupiter and Neptune are squaring the New Moon challenging us to probe more deeply into the meaning of life. From this we are to develop our values and priorities.
The keyword for this New Moon is Devotion. Devotion is a one pointedness of mind and heart, thinking and feeling, spirit and soul towards an object. Devotion must have an object to be devoted to. This is one of the most passionate sections of the zodiac. It wants us to check and see if our life represents this passion and if not, then looking for that path that really turns us on. It is time to evaluate whether we are living our life in an authentic and genuine manner.

13-05 Sagittarius Full Moon

14-11 Sagittarius New Moon


The Full Moon falls in Pisces 16 degrees on September 8. This is the last super Moon of the year. With its closest proximity to the Earth it intensifies weather, tidal and emotional fluctuations. It is also more supportive for shifts in consciousness. With the Sun in Virgo, a mutable earth sign, and the Moon in Pisces, a mutable water sign, we have the opportunity to balance, harmonize and integrate spirit and matter, the ideal and the real. This Full Moon is a preparation for the shift in energy and consciousness that we will experience as we move into the Fall and Winter seasons. We are moving into the time of year where our awareness subtly shifts orientation from outer to inner.
This Pisces Full Moon also stimulates us to look beyond just our personal well being to see that we are part of a larger whole. We need to find personal expression in giving ourselves to something that has to do with the greater good. This energizes us personally and also supports us in making the world a better place. The keyword for this Full Moon is Self Sacrifice. This initiation entails believing in something deeply, plus feeling passionately about something that has to do with the greater good, that we would sacrifice ourselves for it if necessary. In this process we move from selfishness to selflessness.
The Sun and Venus are opposed to the Moon and Neptune creating the possibility of mental and emotional conflict at this time. But Sun/ Venus are trine Pluto and Moon/ Neptune are sextile Pluto creating the opportunity for transformation of these conflicts into increased personal power. The Moon is also trine Saturn/ Mars conjunction and the Sun is sextile the Saturn/ Mars conjunction creating resolve and drive to give positive expression to these energies.
The New Moon falls in Libra 1 degree on September 23. The Sun enters Libra on September 22 marking the Fall Equinox. This is a powerful New Moon and the first of the Fall season. The days will get shorter and the nights longer. The day of the equinox is when day and night, light and darkness are equal in duration. Now our attention will shift from an outer to an inner orientation. This is the commencement for a more spiritual time of year. It is also a time to reflect on all of our activity and the seeds that we have sown and our increasing awareness of the results of these actions.
Libra is focused on right relationship. All of life is about relationship. There is self and then there is everything else. Whether it is our relationship with nature, the divine or other human beings we are always in the dynamic process of relating. The primary focus of Libra is right relationship with other human beings. The cosmic principles involved are balance, harmony and cooperation based on love. There should be reciprocity of giving and receiving based on love. Libra is the balance or the scales that measures and records our actions.
The keyword for this New Moon is Policy which involves being diplomatic or conscious of how we treat others. These are basic people skills that we are able to understand and be inclusive of the other person’s point of view. Then through balance and cooperation finding a win/ win solution.
This Sun/ Moon conjunction is joined by the ruler of the chart, Venus, which brings support to these intentions. Pluto is squaring the New Moon presenting us challenges to be overcome. There is a fire grand trine including Uranus, Jupiter and Mars which provides the motivation to transcend old negative patterns and move us into a more tolerant enlightened mode of behavior. This New Moon seed planting time is more auspicious than most. There is opportunity now to move ahead in a positive direction.

14-09-Pisces Full Moon

14-09 Libra New Moon