The Full Moon this month falls in Capricorn 20 degrees on July 12. The Sun is in Cancer and the Moon is in Capricorn. This polarity which represents Father God–Capricorn and Mother Goddess–Cancer is an opportunity to balance the masculine and feminine. Capricorn rules worldly business and politics and the power and authority structures of society. Cancer rules home and family and our domestic life. We are all challenged and struggle to balance harmonize and integrate these two aspects of our lives. We are each masculine and feminine and need to balance these polarities in order to live a fulfilling life. The masculine is essential for necessity of the drive to establish ourselves in the world. The feminine is essential for opening up our heart and soul to the deeper experiences of self.

The keyword for this Full Moon is Idealism. This third or spiritual decanate of Capricorn intends for us to strive to manifest the ideal in our worldly life. We all have a role to play in creating an ideal society through our own thoughts, feelings and actions. For us to walk our talk and live our truth is essential now in giving a direction to change towards a more enlightened society. The world currently is exhibiting labor pains for the birthing of a new age.

The process of change is not easy. This Full Moon participates in the ongoing grand cross that identifies this time as that of death and rebirth. Jupiter is conjunct the Sun and Pluto is conjunct the Moon with all of them in opposition to each other. Mars and Uranus are in opposition to each other and squaring Sun/ Jupiter and Moon/ Pluto. This stressful planetary configuration is ripe for conflict. Try to keep your balance and stay centered.

The New Moon this month falls in Leo 3 degrees on July 26. This archetypal seed planting time is very powerful and expansive. It creates the opportunity for us to reconnect with the joy of life and give expression to our innate creativity. The Sun rules Leo so it is in its greatest strength and power. Leo represents our essential nature of joy, happiness and bliss. From this state of being we find that creative impulses rise up to find expression in our lives. All of us are creator beings. We are the microcosm of the macrocosm. We create through our every thought feeling and action. Now is the time to embrace and explore our creative side.

The keyword for this New Moon is Rulership. This refers to the activation of our true nature to rise to consciously being the captain of our ship of our true self and destiny. It takes courage, strength and the drive to grow into our true potential to live our life on our terms. You must be true to yourself if you are going to live a life of fulfillment. You follow the compass of your heart–the center of your joy and happiness. It will take you where you need to go.

Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and expansion has just entered into Leo for the first time in 12 years and conjuncts the New Moon. This is a wonderful combination of planets which lends itself to optimism and self confidence . The grand cross has dissipated to a T- cross so the stress levels are significantly reduced. Enjoy!

Capricorn Full Moon
14-08 Capricorn Full Moon

Leo New Moon
14-08 Leo New Moon

There is a Full Moon lunar eclipse on April 15 in Libra 28 degrees. This is a very powerful Full Moon. When there are eclipses, which happens about every six months, they are cosmic exclamation points in terms of what is happening. What is happening is the cardinal grand cross of Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars. This intense planetary configuration is for global change. It is about balancing, harmonizing and integrating career and profession, home and family life, and being true to oneself and one’s partner. The Aries Sun opposed by the Libra Moon emphasizes establishing clarity about our individuality and our ability to play nice with others. Mars participation in this grand cross heightens the possibility for accidents, violence, conflict and war. We need to find a new way of resolving differences. Mercury as a temporary part of the grand cross exacerbates difficulties in effective communication.

The keyword for this New Moon is Expiation. It is focused on addressing and healing relationship karma. It is time to resolve conflicts with others. This is being emphasized on a global level.

The New Moon this month is in Taurus 8 degrees on April 28 and is a solar eclipse. The eclipse will be visible primarily in Australia and New Zealand. This New Moon seed planting time is in the sign of money which demonstrates that we need to develop new understandings and attitudes about our financial and economic systems. We are still in a financial crisis that is displaying the shakiness of our banking and financial system. There is a lot of support for new ideas and perspectives to unfold. We are still in the midst of the challenging grand cross but this New Moon supports finding positive answers to the ongoing crisis.

The keyword for this New Moon is Determination. This is the will aspect of Taurus that expresses our intention of facing and working through these issues and coming out the other side. It is wanting us to see how we can turn negatives into positives and create a new light filled relationship with money.

Libra Lunar Eclipse
14-04 Libra Luner Eclipse

Taurus Solar Eclipse
14-04 Taurus Solar Eclipse

This month the New Moon falls in Pisces 10 degrees on March 1. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and it signals completion of the current annual cycle. It is the sign that represents spirituality, divinity and idealism. This highest of vibrational frequencies embodies unity consciousness providing us with the experience of the underlying oneness of all life. It is a recognition and a conscious living of the fact that we are all together in this adventure of life. As a manifestation of our personal consciousness it is about the full unfoldment of our heart and the expansion of our capacity to give and receive love. In this process of personal transformation a lot of the old programming of self limiting patterns of thinking, feeling and action are being dissolved. There is a lot of activity going on now at deeper levels below the threshold of conscious awareness.

The keyword for the seed that is being planted at this New Moon is Self Sacrifice. This initiation is about finding that which you deeply believe in plus feeling passionate about that has to do with the greater good that you would sacrifice yourself for it if necessary. It involves the growth of consciousness from selfishness to selflessness. I wants to inspire us to strive for the realization of a spiritual or idealistic cause.

The Sun, Moon and Neptune are all conjunct in Pisces trining Jupiter in Cancer and Dragon’s Head in Scorpio. Pluto is also sextiling this New Moon. This planetary configuration supports a significant degree of power for growth in spiritual aspiration and wisdom. Mercury is turning stationary and so is Mars which gives our thinking and action a temporary pause. Of course the Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter T-cross is still in the background which it will continue to be for some time.

The Full Moon falls in Virgo 26 degrees on March 16. Pisces and Virgo form a polarity of spirit and matter, heart and mind. Virgo rules that aspect of mind that we know as intellect. Pisces rules wholeness and Virgo rules the parts. Virgo manifests as our materialistic based science. The opposition between the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo is wanting to create the opportunity to balance, harmonize and integrate spirit and matter and heart and mind.

The keyword for the Full Moon is Renunciation. This initiation represents a state of consciousness of non-attachment and detachment from the results of that which we do. It is very much about the attitude of service and our ability to be pure and clean in our intentions and actions. In the establishment of this state of being we achieve a state of freedom unencumbered by personal agendas. The spirit is able to flow through us in our every thought, feeling and action. Saturn is trining the Sun and sextiling the Moon giving us the ability to ground this energy and express it in practical ways. The Neptune/ Mercury conjunction is trining Mars and Jupiter and sextiling Pluto giving us significant support to channel very high energies and wisely put them into action.

Pisces New Moon
14-03 Pisces New Moon

Virgo Full Moon
14-03 Virgo Full Moon

With the New Moon in Aquarius on January 30 we are seeding the unfoldment of higher consciousness. Aquarius is the sign of the zodiac that rules the goal of human evolution. This more expanded state of awareness of self realization, enlightenment and cosmic consciousness is what our nervous system is designed to express. 2014 and 2015 are the turning point in terms of accelerated unfoldment of these higher states of consciousness. Aquarius and its ruling planet Uranus embody a very high vibrational frequency that will shake up the lower vibrational frequency states of consciousness that have been so dominant in the world for so long. It is a time of enlightened change.

This New Moon is planting the seeds of this process that will continue to unfold during the rest of the year. The keyword for this New Moon in Aquarius 10 degrees is Inspiration. It is about giving us a shot of divine inspiration to lift us up out of the mundane and give us a taste of the celestial that is the ultimate reality. So take the time to meditate and Be in order to consciously connect with this energy. You will be glad that you did.

Of course there is resistance to this energy of enlightenment and freedom. There is a great deal of conflict trying to make it so that you don’t see what is really going on. There is a grand cross consisting of a Venus/ Pluto conjunction opposed by Jupiter and Uranus and Mars are opposed to each other and squaring Jupiter and Venus/ Pluto. These planets are all in cardinal signs which is about power struggles. This planetary configuration represents a great deal of unrest and conflict. Just look at the world headlines. But the Light will ultimately come out on top.

The Full Moon is in Leo 26 degrees this month on February 14. This crescendo of energy is wanting us to blossom and flower into who we really are. Leo rules the heart chakra and the Moon being here is challenging us to open up our hearts. Love is a cosmic force which has the alchemical ability to change anything and everything. The keyword for this Full Moon is Ambition. This consciousness is about being all you can be and shining as brightly as the Sun. Shine you light and express it through benevolent action.

There is still a lot of conflict going on and it will be accentuated now with the climax of the waxing phase of the Moon. The Venus/ Pluto conjunction is opposed to Jupiter and Uranus squaring Jupiter and Venus / Pluto continues to stir up unrest and conflict. A second T-cross has been added to the mix. The Sun/ Mercury/ Neptune conjunction is opposed by the Moon and Saturn is in square aspect to all these planets. This represents the established power structure trying to keep orderliness and control of an increasingly volatile situation. Hang onto your hats.

Please keep in mind not to go into fear. In the big picture something good is happening. It is a time of cleansing and purification. As the Light rises there is going to be unrest and change.

Aquarius New Moon
14-02 Aquarius New Moon

Leo Full Moon
14-02 Leo Full Moon

The New Moon falls in Capricorn 10 degrees on January 1. This is an excellent way to begin the New Year. The New Moon which embodies the archetype of planting seeds of intention that we want to cultivate and grow to fulfillment supports our ability to follow through on New Year’s resolutions. This is a very supportive time to consciously change things in your life in a positive manner. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign and expresses through manifesting into physical reality. Your intentions can take physical form now.

Capricorn also expresses through the character qualities of maturity, the desire to take on responsibility, organization and self discipline. These are exactly the qualities that are needed to create positive change in our lives. If we are going to seriously change for the better then that usually involves letting go of old self sabotaging thinking and feeling patterns that hold us back. These are old negative habit patterns that limit the degree of success and fulfillment in our lives. Change involves a process of death and rebirth. Death is the process of releasing and letting go of that which no longer serves you. Now is a good time to make some changes to improve your quality of life.

There are some rather stressful aspects that are stimulated by this New Moon. The keyword for this New Moon is Martyrdom which involves standing up for a noble cause. The Sun/ Moon conjunction also conjuncts Pluto and Mercury and opposes Jupiter in Cancer and squaring Uranus in Aries and Mars in Libra forming a cardinal grand cross. This potential conflict of wills is going to challenge the power and authority structures of the world. This planetary configuration demands change. We are moving into times of intense crisis and change during 20014 and 20015. To the degree that we embrace change the process of evolution can happen smoothly. To the degree that we resist it things can get messy. Let’s embrace change and see what life provides for us.

The Full Moon this month falls in Cancer 25 degrees on January 15. The development of what was seeded at New Moon reaches a climax at Full Moon. It is a rather conflicted Full Moon with the grand cross still in place and the Capricorn/ Cancer polarity emphasized. The keyword for this Full Moon is Research. This tells us that we have to look beyond the outer surface appearance of things to the deeper inner levels of soul and spirit to get the answers that we are looking for. This Full Moon is emphasizing the need to bring the inner and outer, spirit and matter into balance. Cancer is the Divine Mother and Capricorn is the Divine Father. The Sun/ Moon opposition in these signs is trying to create the opportunity to honor these polarities and bring them into balance. This can manifest as the requirements and the responsibilities to the world being balanced with the requirements and responsibilities to the home, family and domestic life. It is also an excellent time to get out in and connect with nature.

Have a happy and prosperous New Year!

Capricorn New Moon
14-01 Capricorn New Moon

Cancer Full Moon
14-01 Cancer Full Moon

The New Moon this month falls in Sagittarius 10 degrees on December 2. New Moons are always representing the archetype of new beginnings and rebirth. It is the time to consciously plant the seeds of intention to unfold a new chapter in one’s life. Sagittarius is that sign of the zodiac that rules wisdom and understanding. It embodies the quest for higher truth and traditionally it is expressed through metaphysics, philosophy and religion. It represents our belief system and philosophy of life and world view. This becomes the basis of our value system and in turn determines our priorities. This New Moon is wanting us to review and question this fundamental basis of our lives and see if it is time to expand and deepen our outlook on life.

The keyword for this New Moon is Exploration. It represents the drive to explore the unknown and it is the archetype of the explorer. It is about breaking boundaries and expanding our experience and understanding.

The Sun/Moon conjunction is trining Uranus which gives the potential for enlightened change and unbounded possibilities. Neptune is also squaring the Sun /Moon conjunction which can bring in an element of confusion and disorientation which can be part of the process of change. The old ways are not working anymore and the new hasn’t taken form yet. It is a time of transition. Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, is retrograde and is in opposition to Venus. This can manifest as ups and downs in the areas of love and money. But Jupiter is trining Mercury and Saturn which supports the stabilization and grounding of new directions. Overall it is a good New Moon and one that is worth taking advantage of.

The Full Moon this month falls in Gemini 25 degrees on December 17. Full Moons are designed to bring a degree of enlightenment and fulfillment. Through their intensity Full Moons also bring issues to a head. This Gemini Full Moon will be more intense than most. A grand cross is formed by this Full Moon With Mars squaring the Sun/ Mercury conjunction and the Moon. Pluto is also squaring the Mars/ Uranus opposition. This aspect shows the potential for significant conflict. In addition Uranus is in the process of turning direct which signals that we are about to move into new territory. Inherent within this planetary configuration is the conflict of wills over different agendas. It is part of the ongoing change that began in 2007 and continues through 2015.

The keyword for this Full Moon is Reason. This represents the Divine Reason or the Universal Principle of Creative Intelligence which is the source of all life. Ultimately we must unfold the Divine Plan which is embodied within everyone and everything. We have the free will choice to embrace it or resist it, but it will happen. The process can be smooth and graceful or messy to the degree that we embrace the change that is unfolding now. It is up to you.

Gemini Full Moon
13-12 Gemini Full Moon

Sagittarius New Moon
13-12 Sagittarius New Moon

The New Moon solar eclipse occurs in Scorpio 11 degrees on November 3. New Moons are always a time of new beginnings and rebirth. But when it is also a solar eclipse it is much more potent. When the light of the Sun is blocked by the Moon from reaching the Earth it creates the opportunity for reprogramming. The lunar interference with the light creates a transformative situation, especially when it is occurring in Scorpio. This sign of the zodiac is pre-eminently the consciousness of change and transformation.

Scorpio rules the power of the subconscious mind or soul. In the depths of the unconscious is where the Shadow aspect of our being resides. That part of ourselves which is self sabotaging and self destructive is the manifestation of the Shadow. What happens with a solar eclipse?–a shadow is cast across the Earth. During this Scorpio New Moon eclipse is an excellent time for us to have the intention of transforming the Shadow side of ourselves and the world. It is amazing what one can do with intention.

Many people are in denial that they have a shadow side. As a result these people will project their Shadow onto others. This results in conflict. We must become conscious of our dark side or else it will unconsciously control us. To do the work of transformation we must acknowledge, confront and work through the issues and come out the other side transformed.

The keyword for this New Moon in Scorpio 11 degrees is Responsibility. This refers to the need for each of us to take responsibility for our personal growth in consciousness. The evolution of consciousness is what life is all about. This is an exceptionally supportive chart. The Sun/ Moon conjunction in 11 degrees Scorpio is joined by Mercury, Saturn and Dragon’s Head forming a stellium or point of power at the foundation of the chart. Mercury is retrograde which brings up the issue of being honest with ourselves about the need for change. This grouping of planets is also the basis for a water grand trine/kite. The grand trine is formed by Jupiter and Neptune which supports the transformation of feeling and emotional patterns in wisdom and spirituality. The sextile is to Pluto, one of the rulers of the chart, which facilitates the transformational process. The only negative is the ongoing Uranus/ Pluto square demanding enlightened change.

The Full Moon happens on November 17in Taurus 25 degrees. Some of the transformations that want to take place during this lunation cycle concerns our attitudes surrounding money. The potent force of money is that which affects each and every one of us. The keyword for this Full Moon is Mastership, which refers to the intention of mastership of money and wealth and abundance. Besides the material laws that rule financial success, there are also the spiritual laws that must be mastered. The service that we provide to others for compensation must be involved in raising consciousness and creating a better world. If we were all doing this the world would be a better place. We have to look beyond just gratifying personal self interest. We are our brother’s keeper.

The Full Moon involves a grand trine/ kite. This time it is an earth grand trine which supports our ability to manifest out intentions into the physical where they take concrete form. There is some emotional confusion surrounding this configuration which can result in our missing the mark. But there is also a mystic rectangle which facilitates significant transformation. There is more than enough support to accomplish the desired intention.

Taurus Full Moon

13-11 Taurus Full Moon

Scorpio Solar Eclipse

13-11 Scorpio Solar Eclipse

The New Moon falls in Libra 11 degrees on October 4. The seeding of this lunation cycle reminds us of the need for balance in our lives. The symbol of Libra is The Scales which represents this need for balance and equilibrium. I n the ancient Egyptian spiritual tradition in the underworld after a person died their heart was weighed against the feather of truth to determine their path in the afterlife and in their next lifetime. Venus, the planet of love, beauty and the archetypal feminine is the ruler of Libra. It is connected with our heart and represents our capacity for love. When our heart is open and love is the primary state of our being then we are in balance and harmony with life. Now is an important time time to seed balance, harmony and cooperation into our lives in order to overcome the polarization and divisiveness that is so dominant. Each one of us can make a difference.

The keyword for this New Moon is Independence. This emphasizes the need for each of us to be true to ourselves in relationships. We must develop a strong sense of self in order to balance out all of the pressures to conform. This New Moon conjunction of Sun and Moon forms a grand cross with Uranus opposing and Jupiter and Pluto squaring them. This shows a significant amount of tension and conflict associated with this New Moon. In addition Mars, Venus and Neptune are squaring each other adding to the tension. To offset this negativity Mercury, Dragon’s Head and Saturn are trining Neptune and sextiling Pluto. There are subtle but powerful spiritual forces for good working behind the scenes.

The Aries Full Moon falls in Aries 25 degrees on October 18. It is a lunar eclipse. Eclipses always add more intensity to celestial events. Lunar eclipses trigger unredeemed patterns in the emotional body so there can be quite a bit of acting out at this time. Try to keep your cool. Aries and its planetary ruler Mars bring out the aggressive, combative side of our natures. Much of the tension of the New Moon has subsided but there is still plenty of energy for conflict.

The keyword for this Full Moon eclipse Propaganda. This decanate emphasizes the need to speak out and enliven the truth within our environment. The positive aspects of the New Moon are still with us and in addition there is a mystic rectangle formed by Sun trine Neptune and Moon trine Mars and Neptune sextile Moon and Sun sextile Mars. This auspicious planetary configuration is highly transformative in a positive way. Let’s work for positive change in our lives.

Libra New Moon

13-10 Libra New Moon

Aries Full Moon Eclipse

13-10 Aries Full Moon Eclipse

The New Moon occurs on September 5 in Virgo 13 degrees. The keyword for this new lunation is the Experience of Good and Evil. Virgo and its ruling planet Mercury rule the intellect. Intellect is that aspect of the mind that is based in reason. Specifically this sign of the zodiac rules our ability to mentally analyze situations. It excels at tearing the wholeness of life apart and analyzing the constituent pieces. From this we get detailed and practical knowledge. It is our ability to be discerning and discriminating that allows us to differentiate right from wrong, good from evil and light from darkness. We must make choices every day and to the degree that we choose the Light our lives will be supported by the forces of nature and the universe.

This New Moon is seeking the intention for us to become more conscious of our ability to see people and life within this context. To the degree that we are able to do this we will receive increased insight in terms of how the world works. This is an awareness that is essential for us to get through the present time.

There is a great deal of harmonious support for this raising of consciousness. The cardinal T cross of Pluto and Jupiter in opposition and Saturn squaring them reminds us that the world is still in crisis and that the turmoil will continue. But people need to use their discriminating consciousness to see it for what it is. This insight will hasten the resolution of the situation. Each of us has a choice to see if we are part of the problem or part of the solution.

The Full Moon falls in Pisces 26 degrees on September 19. The polarity of Virgo/ Pisces is emphasized–that of spirituality and materiality. These polarities of life must become balanced, harmonized and integrated within our being. In this way as each one of us becomes more whole we will find that this has an enlivening effect on our society. The keyword that rules this New Moon is Vicissitudes which are represented by the challenges of life. The Moon is in the last decanate of the zodiac and this intention is about the healing of old karma and achieving a new clean slate. It definitely has its challenges but the rewards are great.

Mercury joins Jupiter, Venus and Pluto in their T cross to form a grand cross. There is great conflict in people’s thinking to where they don’t know what to do. We are at a crossroads where the old patterns of thinking don’t give us the answers that we need. But behind this grand cross of conflict is the water grand trine of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Dragon’s Head, Neptune and the Moon. The element water expresses through the soul as love. Love is the unifying force that helps us to transcend the conflict. There is no problem that cannot be healed by opening up our hearts.

Virgo New Moon

13-09 Virgo New Moon

Pisces Full Moon

13-09 Pisces Full Moon

This New Moon falls in Leo on August 6. It is seeding the intention to look forward and not back. We are being told that the traditions and conventions of the past can hold us back from stepping into a whole new and improved quality of life. It wants us to let go of our fears, anxieties and worries and have the courage to move ahead into the unknown.

There is a New Moon in Leo once a year and it emphasizes our need to consciously reconnect to our true Self. The Sun rules our higher spiritual Self which embodies that unique spiritual identity and individuality that we are. The Sun rules Leo so when it passes through this sign there is strong support for us to reconnect with our true essence.

The New Moon falls in Leo 14 degrees and the keyword for this phase of the lunation cycle is Reformation. It is that decanate that has the intention of reforming ourselves and our world to make them better. The desire to grow and evolve is innate within us and ther is great opportunity for improvement.

Jupiter and Mars have moved into Cancer and are opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus adding an additional level of stress to our lives. The tendency toward anger and violence and and an emotional overreaction to situations present now. There is an additional level of volatility now that we must be aware of. This will result in more negative news headlines. But there is also a water grand trine and kite in the background that lets us know that the light is rising. Jupiter and Mars in Cancer are trining Saturn and Dragon’s Head in Scorpio which are trining Neptune in its ruling sign Pisces. This forms the water grand trine which shows the unfolding of the cosmic soul in the expression of divine love. It is there for you to connect with in meditation and quiet time. Pluto sextiles Saturn and Neptune forming a kite which adds an evolutionary drive and dynamism to this wonderful energy. Remember that something good is in the process of emerging through all of this conflict.

The Full Moon falls in Aquarius on August 20. It wants to break free of old self limiting patterns of thinking, feeling and action. The soul wants to soar and ascend to more expanded levels of awareness. Freedom is that state toward which we are moving.

The Full Moon falling in Aquarius 28 degrees has the keyword of Repression. This is the sign of the zodiac that rules the goal of human evolution–Self realization, enlightenment and cosmic consciousness. Aquarius represents that which we are striving for. Repression is not about getting repressed–we are already repressed. It is about freeing and liberating ourselves from repression. The common denominator of repression is fear. We are afraid to break out of old patterns even though they keep us in misery. We need the courage to take some risks and break some old self limiting patterns. You will discover a new release of energy and enlivenment of your life that is exciting and fulfilling . You need to stretch yourself now to achieve a more enlightened level of being.

The Moon has joined the water grand trine by conjuncting Neptune adding its strength to the ongoing unfoldment of heart and soul. The grand cross drama is still unfolding but we can transcend it through not letting fear control our lives and taking concrete steps in our lives for enlightened change.

Leo New Moon Chart:
13-08 Leo New Moon

Aquarius Full Moon Chart:
13-08 Aquarius Full Moon