Aires – September


We are now at the time of the shifting of the seasons. Summer is receding and Fall is approaching. Energy and consciousness are shifting which we feel within ourselves and observe the changes in nature. The air will feel crisper and the leaves and grasses will turn beautiful enchanting colors. The days will be shorter and the nights longer.
Fall is the time of year of harvest. That which nature and ourselves have worked on through Spring and Summer will reach fruition now. Those things which we have put our attention on developing and growing reach their fulfillment now–whether negative or positive.
The Sun enters Libra on September 22 which initiates the Fall season. This is the time of the Scales which is reminding us to keep our balance. Balance is the basis of harmony which is what we are all striving to achieve. Equilibrium between man and nature and equilibrium between man and man is the goal. Let’s see if we can achieve this goal now in our personal lives.

Aries ( March 21-April 19 ) Even though you may feel a sense of disorientation and confusion now there are opportunities for enhanced self expression. You are finding your way to achieving a more authentic sense of self that feels good but the process is not complete yet. There is still work to do so have patience and follow your heart.

14-09 Sun In Libra