Aquarius – October 2013


The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22. This fixed water sign is very emotionally powerful and represents the untapped resources of the soul. The depths of the soul are plumbed during the Sun’s passage through this sign. The subconscious mind that Scorpio represents opens up to release much of its contents to conscious awareness. It can be a time of revelation as to unresolved conflicts that still need to be worked on. This creates the opportunity to do our inner work to transform our negatives into positives. Scorpio rules alchemy which is dedicated to turning base metals into gold or transforming darkness into light. It is a time to achieve some significant personal growth.

Aquarius–You are at a crossroads and need to make a decision as to where you want to go. The future beckons but it will require some attitude adjustments on your part if you are going to effectively take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you. This may bring up some inner conflicts that you need to look at and resolve. The future looks bright.

13-10 Sun in Scorpio