The New Moon falls in Capricorn 10 degrees on January 1. This is an excellent way to begin the New Year. The New Moon which embodies the archetype of planting seeds of intention that we want to cultivate and grow to fulfillment supports our ability to follow through on New Year’s resolutions. This is a very supportive time to consciously change things in your life in a positive manner. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign and expresses through manifesting into physical reality. Your intentions can take physical form now.

Capricorn also expresses through the character qualities of maturity, the desire to take on responsibility, organization and self discipline. These are exactly the qualities that are needed to create positive change in our lives. If we are going to seriously change for the better then that usually involves letting go of old self sabotaging thinking and feeling patterns that hold us back. These are old negative habit patterns that limit the degree of success and fulfillment in our lives. Change involves a process of death and rebirth. Death is the process of releasing and letting go of that which no longer serves you. Now is a good time to make some changes to improve your quality of life.

There are some rather stressful aspects that are stimulated by this New Moon. The keyword for this New Moon is Martyrdom which involves standing up for a noble cause. The Sun/ Moon conjunction also conjuncts Pluto and Mercury and opposes Jupiter in Cancer and squaring Uranus in Aries and Mars in Libra forming a cardinal grand cross. This potential conflict of wills is going to challenge the power and authority structures of the world. This planetary configuration demands change. We are moving into times of intense crisis and change during 20014 and 20015. To the degree that we embrace change the process of evolution can happen smoothly. To the degree that we resist it things can get messy. Let’s embrace change and see what life provides for us.

The Full Moon this month falls in Cancer 25 degrees on January 15. The development of what was seeded at New Moon reaches a climax at Full Moon. It is a rather conflicted Full Moon with the grand cross still in place and the Capricorn/ Cancer polarity emphasized. The keyword for this Full Moon is Research. This tells us that we have to look beyond the outer surface appearance of things to the deeper inner levels of soul and spirit to get the answers that we are looking for. This Full Moon is emphasizing the need to bring the inner and outer, spirit and matter into balance. Cancer is the Divine Mother and Capricorn is the Divine Father. The Sun/ Moon opposition in these signs is trying to create the opportunity to honor these polarities and bring them into balance. This can manifest as the requirements and the responsibilities to the world being balanced with the requirements and responsibilities to the home, family and domestic life. It is also an excellent time to get out in and connect with nature.

Have a happy and prosperous New Year!

Capricorn New Moon
14-01 Capricorn New Moon

Cancer Full Moon
14-01 Cancer Full Moon