The Sun enters into Leo on July 22. This is the sign of the zodiac of the Sun’s rulership and it’s greatest strength and power. Because the Sun is the center and source of our solar system it defines the basic energy and consciousness at the foundation of our life. That primary quality can best be described as joy, happiness and play. From the ancient Vedic tradition we are told that life and the universe are the divine lila or divine play. It is out of the state of joyfulness and playfulness that all life unfolds. This impulse that forms the basis of all life is strongest during this time that the Sun is in Leo. Revitalize your life now through reconnecting with the joy of life.

This can be an intensely conflicted period of time for you. Impatience, impulsiveness and rebellion can dominate your thoughts and feelings. You feel a significant amount of anger and your tendency is to overreact. Try to keep your cool and consciously cultivate the virtues of patience and tolerance to get through this time.

13-07 Sun in Leo

You are under a significant amount of stress this month. There is increasing pressure for you to make some important changes in your life. But this is also a time when you can have some penetrating and revealing insights which can show you what needs to be done. You must put this creative insight into action to accomplish your goal.

13-06 Sun in Cancer

This is a time of intense emotional conflict where personal relationship situations are coming to a head.  It is the reappearance of a conflict that has been going on for some time.  It needs to be dealt with now.  There is support for you too have a shift in your thinking and feeling that can open up a new vision of possibilities.

13-05 Sun in Gemini

The Sun enters into Pisces on February 18. This last sign of the zodiac represents the energy and consciousness of spirituality and idealism. It is the most otherworldly star system and it expresses through the highest vibrational frequency in creation. This consciousness of transcendence that is the Source of all life permeates everyone and everything. This reality is omnipresent and is most easily accessible at this time. The traditional methods of consciously connecting with this energy are meditation, yoga and prayer. To consciously experience this energy brings a beautiful energy to our lives that enhances our state of well being. Now is an excellent opportunity to connect with this expansive energy of upliftment and experience the inherent sacredness of life. Living here in the Sierras at Lake Tahoe we are surrounded by this beautiful spiritual environment. Take advantage of it and soak it in. Your life will be the better for it..

Aries ( March 21-April 19 ) You are feeling the subtle but profound shift towards higher aspirations. There is a spirituality and idealism that you want to put into action. You want your actions to make a difference in creating a better world. There is the opportunity now for this change in intention to take root and become established in a permanent way.

The Sun enters into Capricorn on December 21. This marks the time of Winter Solstice. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The Sun has reached its furthest southerly point in its annual journey in the southern hemisphere. Now the days start to get longer as the Sun moves north. This process reaches its culmination at Summer Solstice on June 21. Winter is now officially upon us.

December 21 is also the day that the Mayan calendar ends. This date has taken root in the collective consciousness as the possible ending of the world. It is not the end of the world but the end of a 5000 year cycle that is known as Kali Yuga in the Vedic tradition of India. December 21, 2012 actually is the beginning of a new age of light known as Satya Yuga. We will just begin to see the dawning of this new age in our lifetimes. This should be a time of celebration.

Aries ( March 21-April 19 ) There is a business like quality to your life now. There is much to get done. Pay attention to what is showing up in your life and deal with it in an efficient manner. Do not procrastinate. You will feel yourself growing as a result of your accomplishments. A feeling of expansion and abundance results from taking care of business.

It is time for you to get serious and get organized. There are important things that you need to do. Your attention needs to be on your career and profession. There are significant opportunities that want to be presented to you. Your love and spirituality are ready to come forth into expression in conjunction with dynamic action to get things accomplished.