You have a need to disengage from the responsibilities and intensity of life. Down time, alone time and your ability to establish your own private space can nourish your soul. If you have the opportunity to go on retreat take advantage of it. There is a new level of wisdom and understanding that wants to unfold for you.

13-06 Sun in Cancer

Family and love relationships are a source of conflict for you now.  You are being pulled in varying directions and it is quite unsettling.  Try to stay centered and grounded.  You will be that source of stability that will ultimately be the basis of the resolution of the situation.  Try to represent the ideal result.

13-05 Sun in Gemini

The Sun enters into Pisces on February 18. This last sign of the zodiac represents the energy and consciousness of spirituality and idealism. It is the most otherworldly star system and it expresses through the highest vibrational frequency in creation. This consciousness of transcendence that is the Source of all life permeates everyone and everything. This reality is omnipresent and is most easily accessible at this time. The traditional methods of consciously connecting with this energy are meditation, yoga and prayer. To consciously experience this energy brings a beautiful energy to our lives that enhances our state of well being. Now is an excellent opportunity to connect with this expansive energy of upliftment and experience the inherent sacredness of life. Living here in the Sierras at Lake Tahoe we are surrounded by this beautiful spiritual environment. Take advantage of it and soak it in. Your life will be the better for it..

Capricorn ( December 22-January 19 ) You are feeling somewhat restless and impatient for the future to unfold. You are yearning for some change. A sense of new beginnings is growing in you and your intuitions are correct. There are opportunities in your career for advancement and with that a corresponding opportunity to make more money. Go for it!

The Sun enters into Capricorn on December 21. This marks the time of Winter Solstice. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The Sun has reached its furthest southerly point in its annual journey in the southern hemisphere. Now the days start to get longer as the Sun moves north. This process reaches its culmination at Summer Solstice on June 21. Winter is now officially upon us.

December 21 is also the day that the Mayan calendar ends. This date has taken root in the collective consciousness as the possible ending of the world. It is not the end of the world but the end of a 5000 year cycle that is known as Kali Yuga in the Vedic tradition of India. December 21, 2012 actually is the beginning of a new age of light known as Satya Yuga. We will just begin to see the dawning of this new age in our lifetimes. This should be a time of celebration.

Capricorn ( December 22-January 19 ) This is your month to shine. Enjoy this holiday season. It is good for you to travel. If the opportunity presents itself take advantage of it. There is a sense of adventure in the air. It is time to have some new experiences. You will find that you will grow in depth of soul as a result.

Your career and profession are calling you to express dynamic action now. You are driven to organize yourself and your surroundings so that more can be accomplished with less effort. Working in harmony with others can add to the level of success that you can achieve. Frustration and impatience can derail your efforts so try to keep your cool.