The Sun enters into Leo on July 22. This is the sign of the zodiac of the Sun’s rulership and it’s greatest strength and power. Because the Sun is the center and source of our solar system it defines the basic energy and consciousness at the foundation of our life. That primary quality can best be described as joy, happiness and play. From the ancient Vedic tradition we are told that life and the universe are the divine lila or divine play. It is out of the state of joyfulness and playfulness that all life unfolds. This impulse that forms the basis of all life is strongest during this time that the Sun is in Leo. Revitalize your life now through reconnecting with the joy of life.

You have a clarity of perception now that can result in a whole new vision of possibilities for you. There are forces and individuals that are in resistance to what it is that you are wanting to accomplish but through your strength of purpose and your visionary ability you are able to overcome these obstacles. There is something important happening here.

13-07 Sun in Leo

Your leadership abilities in your field of expertise have the opportunity to shine now. The vision of possibilities that you see that can be achieved is greatly expanded. There is an incredible ability to see the future and work creatively to take full advantage of it. Significantly spirituality and idealism is a central impulse to uplift what is wanting to unfold. These insights can be applied to your work successfully.

13-06 Sun in Cancer

This is your month to shine so get out there and radiate your light.  You have a good sense of well being and you are at the top of your game.  Your higher wisdom mind and your lower concrete practical mind are functioning coherently together.  You see and understand the big picture but also how to apply these principles in detail.  With this clarity you can make important decisions.

13-05 Sun in Gemini

The Sun enters into Pisces on February 18. This last sign of the zodiac represents the energy and consciousness of spirituality and idealism. It is the most otherworldly star system and it expresses through the highest vibrational frequency in creation. This consciousness of transcendence that is the Source of all life permeates everyone and everything. This reality is omnipresent and is most easily accessible at this time. The traditional methods of consciously connecting with this energy are meditation, yoga and prayer. To consciously experience this energy brings a beautiful energy to our lives that enhances our state of well being. Now is an excellent opportunity to connect with this expansive energy of upliftment and experience the inherent sacredness of life. Living here in the Sierras at Lake Tahoe we are surrounded by this beautiful spiritual environment. Take advantage of it and soak it in. Your life will be the better for it..

Gemini ( May 21-June 21 ) A great deal of wisdom and understanding is now rising up into conscious awareness from deep within your soul. New creative thoughts and ideas manifest for you that want to be communicated to others and put into action. Your ability to turn these new ideas into profit is temporarily blocked but don’t let that deter you.

The Sun enters into Capricorn on December 21. This marks the time of Winter Solstice. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The Sun has reached its furthest southerly point in its annual journey in the southern hemisphere. Now the days start to get longer as the Sun moves north. This process reaches its culmination at Summer Solstice on June 21. Winter is now officially upon us.

December 21 is also the day that the Mayan calendar ends. This date has taken root in the collective consciousness as the possible ending of the world. It is not the end of the world but the end of a 5000 year cycle that is known as Kali Yuga in the Vedic tradition of India. December 21, 2012 actually is the beginning of a new age of light known as Satya Yuga. We will just begin to see the dawning of this new age in our lifetimes. This should be a time of celebration.

Gemini ( May 21-June 21 ) Your intuitive ability is strong now. You can consciously tap into the deeper aspects of your soul and greater wisdom and understanding will be revealed to you. Even though you may experience some mental and emotional conflict and may have a tendency to overreact to some situations you will experience a growing clarity of consciousness.

Your wisdom and understanding need to be shared with others and communicated now. Writing, teaching and speaking your truth is supported. There is a new expanded level of light that wants to shine through. It can be enlightening for you and for others. New insights to old situations create the possibility of taking care of and resolving some old issues. Take care of them now.