Gemini Full Moon/Capricorn New Moon


This lunation cycle reaches its climax of Full Moon in Gemini 14 degrees on December 6. This Full Moon is emphasizing the need for us to change our thinking. The evolution of consciousness is the primary force of life and the cosmos and in order for us to live this impulse in our own lives it necessitates that we open up our minds to greater truths and realities and change our thinking. Gemini is all about the realization of Truth. The quest for truth should be an important value and goal for each of us. Our present society and our thinking and institutions are centers of untruth and that is why there is so much conflict, suffering and pain in our world. When our thinking is based in truth we live in harmony with the laws of nature and the cosmos and we live in total flow with life. The keyword for this Full Moon is Fidelity which is about fidelity and loyalty to the truth. This Full Moon has the capacity to provide us insights for our pursuit of truth.
This Full Moon includes a fire grand trine/kite consisting of Sun, Venus/ Mercury in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Leo, trine Uranus in Aries with the Moon sextiling Jupiter and Uranus. Kites are the best planetary configurations possible. Fire is spirit which expresses as enthusiasm, inspiration and the joy of life. The ongoing Uranus/Pluto square is exact for the sixth time on December 14. This square represents the changes that need to be made for us to correctly evolve into the future. See what kind of enlightened changes you can make in your own life.
The New Moon falls in Capricorn 0 degrees on December 21–Winter Solstice. With the Winter Solstice and the New Moon occurring on the same day it is an exceptionally powerful time to plant seeds of intention. It is a perfect time to begin any New Year’s resolutions that you may have. Associated with this process it is also a good time for a review of the past year and recognize what has been accomplished and what still remains to be done. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign which expresses as worldly power and authority which manifests as business and government. One of the things that we are here to do is master the world. The character qualities that are needed to do this are organization, self discipline, patience and perseverance. This is what is required to mold matter to your will. The keyword for this New Moon is Organization. We need to be organized and clear about our priorities and stay focused on out goals in order to achieve our intentions.
Besides the Sun and Moon being in Capricorn we also have Mercury, Pluto and Venus here forming a stellium or point of power that gives additional strength to this time of new beginnings. They are sextiling Neptune, the planet of spirituality and idealism which supports us striving to achieve the ideal. Let’s go for it.

14-12 Gemini Full Moon

14 12 Capricorn New Moon