Leo Full Moon/Aquarius New Moon


The Full Moon this month falls on February 3 in Leo 14 degrees. The Sun/ Moon opposition from Aquarius to Leo emphasizes the unfoldment of light. The Sun is in Aquarius opposing the Moon in Leo. The Sun represents our conscious sense of self and the Moon is our subconscious self. This dynamic is a process of expanding our sense of self in an enlightened manner on both the conscious and subconscious levels. This situation wants us to recognize our creative potential. We are creator beings whose responsibility is to be conscious co-creators with Source. Now is an important time for this creative potential to be expressed.
The keyword for this Full Moon is Reformation. Reformation is the archetype of the reformer. The reformer sees what is wrong with a situation, and sees what is needed to correct the situation, and has the drive and motivation to correct that which needs to be corrected. Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and understanding, is conjunct the Moon and trine Uranus. This supports enlightened creative approaches to solving problems. Mercury is retrograde and conjunct the Sun opposing the Moon/ Jupiter conjunction adding a potential element of complication to the solving of the problems. There must be accurate analysis and clear communication for this to be resolved effectively.
The New Moon this month falls in Aquarius 29 degrees on February 18. New Moons mark a time of seed planting of new intentions and the beginning of a new cycle. Aquarius, the initiator, wants us to open up to expanded possibilities and stretch the envelope. There are only 30 degrees to a sign so when a planet falls in 29 degrees there is an additional layer of karma associated with it. The karma involved is that there is an urgency for completion and fulfillment of the intention now. The keyword for this New Moon is Repression. The New Moon is planting the seed of intention to release ourselves from repression. The common denominator of repression is fear. Fear is based in the false perception of our separation from the Source. We are as connected with the Source as we ever were but most people are not conscious of their connection. Separation is an illusion. The initiation of repression is not about getting repressed– we are already repressed. The intention here is to get unrepressed. Saturn, the planet of fear and repression, is squaring the Sun/ Moon/ Neptune stellium challenging us to face our fears. We must release and let go of our fear based thinking, feeling and action. These manifest as our self limiting patterns that hold us back from living the fullness of life. When we conquer fear we achieve a state of freedom and liberation. This is what this Aquarius New Moon represents.

15-09 Leo Full Moon

15-09 Aquarius New Moon