This New Moon falls in Leo on August 6. It is seeding the intention to look forward and not back. We are being told that the traditions and conventions of the past can hold us back from stepping into a whole new and improved quality of life. It wants us to let go of our fears, anxieties and worries and have the courage to move ahead into the unknown.

There is a New Moon in Leo once a year and it emphasizes our need to consciously reconnect to our true Self. The Sun rules our higher spiritual Self which embodies that unique spiritual identity and individuality that we are. The Sun rules Leo so when it passes through this sign there is strong support for us to reconnect with our true essence.

The New Moon falls in Leo 14 degrees and the keyword for this phase of the lunation cycle is Reformation. It is that decanate that has the intention of reforming ourselves and our world to make them better. The desire to grow and evolve is innate within us and ther is great opportunity for improvement.

Jupiter and Mars have moved into Cancer and are opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus adding an additional level of stress to our lives. The tendency toward anger and violence and and an emotional overreaction to situations present now. There is an additional level of volatility now that we must be aware of. This will result in more negative news headlines. But there is also a water grand trine and kite in the background that lets us know that the light is rising. Jupiter and Mars in Cancer are trining Saturn and Dragon’s Head in Scorpio which are trining Neptune in its ruling sign Pisces. This forms the water grand trine which shows the unfolding of the cosmic soul in the expression of divine love. It is there for you to connect with in meditation and quiet time. Pluto sextiles Saturn and Neptune forming a kite which adds an evolutionary drive and dynamism to this wonderful energy. Remember that something good is in the process of emerging through all of this conflict.

The Full Moon falls in Aquarius on August 20. It wants to break free of old self limiting patterns of thinking, feeling and action. The soul wants to soar and ascend to more expanded levels of awareness. Freedom is that state toward which we are moving.

The Full Moon falling in Aquarius 28 degrees has the keyword of Repression. This is the sign of the zodiac that rules the goal of human evolution–Self realization, enlightenment and cosmic consciousness. Aquarius represents that which we are striving for. Repression is not about getting repressed–we are already repressed. It is about freeing and liberating ourselves from repression. The common denominator of repression is fear. We are afraid to break out of old patterns even though they keep us in misery. We need the courage to take some risks and break some old self limiting patterns. You will discover a new release of energy and enlivenment of your life that is exciting and fulfilling . You need to stretch yourself now to achieve a more enlightened level of being.

The Moon has joined the water grand trine by conjuncting Neptune adding its strength to the ongoing unfoldment of heart and soul. The grand cross drama is still unfolding but we can transcend it through not letting fear control our lives and taking concrete steps in our lives for enlightened change.

Leo New Moon Chart:
13-08 Leo New Moon

Aquarius Full Moon Chart:
13-08 Aquarius Full Moon