Libra ( September 23-October 23 )

The Sun enters into Capricorn on December 21. This marks the time of Winter Solstice. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The Sun has reached its furthest southerly point in its annual journey in the southern hemisphere. Now the days start to get longer as the Sun moves north. This process reaches its culmination at Summer Solstice on June 21. Winter is now officially upon us.

December 21 is also the day that the Mayan calendar ends. This date has taken root in the collective consciousness as the possible ending of the world. It is not the end of the world but the end of a 5000 year cycle that is known as Kali Yuga in the Vedic tradition of India. December 21, 2012 actually is the beginning of a new age of light known as Satya Yuga. We will just begin to see the dawning of this new age in our lifetimes. This should be a time of celebration.

Libra ( September 23-October 23 ) During this holiday period you need to take some time to disengage from some of your social activities and have some quiet time. Turn your attention within and connect with those deeper levels of soul and spirit. Experience the sacredness of this season of the year. Share the results of these meditations with others.