The media has been pushing and highlighting Black Friday and its creep into Thanksgiving with major store chains opening during “turkey day”. Then there is Cyber Monday which is promoted as the time to do your online shopping. The news reports on how much we spend on gifts down to the average dollar amount and whether we spent more last year or not distorts this time of year to fundamental materialistic values.

There are economic reasons to monitor our spending activity because we are still in a 5 year recession but the focus on buying stuff we don’t need is what got us in this mess in the first place. We are a culture that is deeply immersed into materialism. This is nothing new but it is worth noting. The primary issue is that we have been living beyond our means and we are in a debt crisis. Our answer to this situation is to spend our way out of it. This is ridiculous.

This mindset also detracts and distracts from the fact that now is the most holy and sacred time of year and that tends to get lost in the “shop ’till you drop” frenzy.

Each season of the year has its special consciousness and energy. The Winter Season is the holy or sacred time of year. If we observe nature the annual plants die and the deciduous plants lose their leaves and the life force is drawn down into the roots. The animals hibernate and go into a deep state of sleep. All of nature is shifting from outer expression to inner being. Mankind is designed to shift with the seasons and during the Winter our attention is to turn within to soul and spirit. This reconnection with the source of our being is regenerative. This is a natural time for meditation, contemplation and prayer.

We tend to think that Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas and other holidays are celebrations of events long past. But the truth is that these events are relived in current time each year in the spiritual worlds. The opportunity to consciously connect with these spiritual events is real and available to everyone. But one needs to take the time and make the space in one’s life to align with these energies and connect with them. You will find it a life transforming experience.

So in this busy hectic time try to create the space in your life to truly honor and celebrate these holy days.