Sagittarius – February 2014


The Sun enters Pisces on February 18. The Sun’s passage through the last sign of the zodiac completes its annual journey. Appropriately Pisces is that constellation that rules spirituality and idealism. After we have been exposed to the different energies and consciousness of life as represented by the signs of the zodiac , we reach our completion and fulfillment in the ultimate reality of spirituality. It is time to turn our attention within in meditation and contemplation of the deeper realities of life. This is the most conducive time to ground spirit into matter. By doing this we prepare ourselves for the unfoldment of a new cycle beginning on Spring Equinox next month.

Sagittarius ( November 22–December 20 ) The focus now is for you to get organized and disciplined and take care of the demands of your day to day life. You are encountering a lot of distractions that pull your attention away from what you should be doing. There is support for a whole new perspective on things now that will aid you in prioritizing and getting your life in order. You have a great deal of wisdom and it wants to come into expression for you now.

14-02 Sun in Pisces