Sagittarius – September 2013


The Sun enters into Libra on September 22. This day marks the Fall Equinox. It is the end of Summer and the beginning of the Fall season. Equinox means ” equal night “. At this time the daylight and nighttime hours are equal. As the Sun continues its annual journey into the Southern Hemisphere the days will continue to get shorter and the nights longer. The temperature will continue to drop as the angle of the Sun moves from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere. As the leaves turn, it is now harvest time and the results of the year’s work will be made manifest. On an esoteric note the days of excess and indulgence of the lazy, crazy days of Summer are over and the more sobering days of relative temperance of Fall are upon us. Archangel Michael now reigns supreme and is wanting to bring an influence of cleansing, purification and healing to us. This is to prepare us for the sacred holy days of Winter.

Sagittarius–Your innate drive to know and understand is strong now. There is a new vision of your future that wants to be revealed to you. Spend some time considering the direction that your life is taking and examine if there might be some important pieces that you might be missing. Life wants you to have a more holistic perspective on things.

13-09 Sun in Libra