Scorpio – January 2014


The Sun enters Aquarius on January 19. It is always nice to begin the new year with the uplifting energy of Aquarius. This sign of the zodiac is what rules the goal of human evolution–self realization, enlightenment and cosmic consciousness. It also expresses through genius, originality and creativity that thinks outside the box to come up with new answers for old problems. Aquarius also rules freedom and liberation which is manifesting in increased questioning and challenging the control and manipulation of the power structures of society. The Waterbearer rules initiation into higher states of consciousness which is evident in the awakening of the masses of people to the fact that there are serious things wrong with our society. The light that the Sun in Aquarius shines at the beginning of the year can help us find the right direction to pursue for the balance of the year.

Scorpio ( October 23–November 21 ) It is a significant time for personal growth for you. You can tap into your resourcefulness and inner strength to move you ahead in life. The opportunities for you now are excellent. Stability, maturity and being grounded give you the ability to manifest your intentions. You need to override your inner conflicts and keep moving ahead into positive territory.

14-01 Sun in Aquarius