Sun in Aries


The Sun enters Aries on March 20 marking the beginning of Spring. Spring Equinox is the beginning of our annual seasonal cycle of rebirth. Winter is a death process which involves releasing and letting go of that which no longer serves us. It is a cleansing and purification preparing us for rebirth and new beginnings. Hopefully you now have a new sense of purpose and direction in your life. This is the best time to initiate new projects in order to gain the support of the natural cosmic cycles that form the basis of all life expression.

Aries embodies the archetype of the warrior so it is now time to put on your warrior suit and go into battle. The battle is with the inherent resistance of our physical environment and the challenge of overcoming its stuckness and bend it to our will. The principle of Aries is courage. It takes courage to stand up to the powers that be in order to manifest and realize your own unique dharma and destiny.

Aries is the sign of the zodiac that expresses through motivation, initiative and action. The generic keyword for Aries is I Am. We are all in the process of self discovery of who and what we are. One of the primary paths of self realization is that of action or karma yoga. We discover who we are through what we do. Take some time to sit quietly and do a life review. Pinpoint the key things in your life that you have done and accomplished. Meditate on how these actions define you.

This Spring Equinox is especially powerful. It is also a New Moon total solar eclipse. The shadow of the eclipse is cast over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Where the shadow falls is where the greatest effect will be experienced. It is also the last of seven exact squares between Pluto and Uranus. These are the two planets that are behind all of the current turmoil in the world. Things could get rather crazy now. Hold onto your hats
Cancer ( June 21-July 21 ) Your inner being of soul is in a ferment to sort out who you are and what you should do. You have been going through a profound enlightening process which should help you find a sense of direction. It is imperative that you don’t sit on these insights but that you put them into action. There will be some inner and outer conflicts that you will have to deal with in the process.

15-20 Sun in Aries