Sun in Capricorn–Climb the Mountain


We live in the mountains. Mountains are a world unto themselves. The beauty, majesty, the immensity of these geological formations are enchanting and challenging. The great height of these granite rock walls touch the sky and allow us to be as close to the heavens as possible. They form their own unique environment of forests and lakes and rivers that assure that nature is the dominant influence here.
The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21 which is the shortest day and longest night of the year and marks the Winter Solstice. Capricorn expresses through and manifests as the mountains. In the spiritual traditions of the world mountains are a symbol of life and the spiritual path. The zodiacal being that expresses through Capricorn is the mountain goat–the most sure footed of animals whose instinct is to climb to the highest possible point. From the top, the whole world is at your feet and you have conquered the mountain. This is a metaphor for life where we need to have the ambition and drive to achieve our highest goals. This can manifest as peak experiences. In order to do that we have to overcome all the obstacles and challenges that life throws in our path. The difficulties of life are like climbing the mountain–no chairlifts. We unfold our potential and get stronger through mastering our inner and outer issues. So let’s go climb our mountains.

Taurus ( April 20-May 20 ) There are some very intense feelings and emotions that are creating conflicts in your life. You need to communicate what you are feeling to those it concerns. You are feeling that you are being taken advantage of and there are some relationships in your life that need better balance of giving and receiving.

14-12 Sun in Capricorn