Taurus – December 2013


The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21. This marks the Winter Solstice–The beginning of the winter season. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. From this point the days will get progressively longer and the nights shorter until Summer Solstice. The ongoing expansion of light and shadow is one of the fundamental themes of life.

In the annual passage of the Sun through the signs of the zodiac which manifests as the seasons, the life cycle of birth, growth, decay and death are experienced. Capricorn and the winter season are the death part of this cyclic process. Death is the releasing and letting go of that which no longer serves us. This is followed by rebirth in the spring.

Think of this time of year as that of endings and completions–when the outer physical form aspect of life dissolves into the invisible worlds. This is the time of year of the holidays or holy days. Most cultures traditionally recognize this time as most conducive for connecting with the spiritual worlds. It is a time of reflection, meditation, prayer and celebration of the deeper spiritual impulses of life.

The Sun’s passage through Capricorn wants us to make a conscious review of the just completed year. It is an exercise in memory that begins with the last day of the year and proceeds backwards in time to the first day of the year. There is a spiritual benefit to doing this exercise and on a practical level in can reveal some hidden insights to us. It also helps us to make a more intelligent plan for the upcoming year.

Taurus ( April 20-May 20 ) This is a good month for you. Now is a good time to enjoy yourself and have some fun. Pleasure and enjoyment should be at the top of your “to do” list. If you can do these things with a partner it will be even more fulfilling. There is an element of romance here also.

13-12 Sun in Capricorn