Taurus Full Moon/Sagittarius New Moon November 2014


The Full Moon falls in Taurus 14 degrees on November 6. With the Sun, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio opposing the Moon there is a great deal of tension. In addition Jupiter squares the Moon and squares the Sun, Venus and Saturn. The Taurus Moon is emphasizing our sense or lack thereof of financial safety and security. Economically things are better now than what they have been but there is still significant caution and fear related to our financial well being. Jupiter’s square to the Full Moon represents the tendency to work really hard for the same or lesser amounts of money. But we must remember that the Taurus Moon is emphasizing the personal work that needs to be done on improving our self esteem and self worth. One of the principles of money is our ability to receive. This ability to receive is based on how deserving we feel about obtaining wealth and abundance. There is an inner state of being that needs to be established for us to achieve the financial success that we desire.
The keyword for this New Moon is Struggle. The struggle that is being referred to here is the challenge of trying to find our true career and profession–to find our dharma or spiritual purpose and make that our career and profession and make that the basis of how we create wealth and abundance. This is the true goal of everyone but so very few have achieved it. Now is the time to evaluate how you are doing with the work you do and whether it is your true calling.
The New Moon this month falls in Sagittarius 0 degrees on November 22. The New Moon is seed planting time when we focus our intention on achieving something. This New Moon is forming a stellium or point of power and focus of some significance. In addition to the Sun and Moon being conjunct Venus, Mercury and Saturn join them. Five out of ten planets being together in the sky is a powerful joining of forces.
Sagittarius is reminding us to look at the big picture and get our perspective. It is the metaphysical philosophical sign of the zodiac that wants us to ask important questions–What is life all about? What is its meaning and purpose? How do I fit into this game of life? Jupiter and Neptune are squaring the New Moon challenging us to probe more deeply into the meaning of life. From this we are to develop our values and priorities.
The keyword for this New Moon is Devotion. Devotion is a one pointedness of mind and heart, thinking and feeling, spirit and soul towards an object. Devotion must have an object to be devoted to. This is one of the most passionate sections of the zodiac. It wants us to check and see if our life represents this passion and if not, then looking for that path that really turns us on. It is time to evaluate whether we are living our life in an authentic and genuine manner.

13-05 Sagittarius Full Moon

14-11 Sagittarius New Moon