Virgo – August 2013


The Sun enters Virgo on August 22 which shifts the energy from the fiery passion of Leo to the grounded earthiness of Virgo. This sign of the zodiac is highly mental and it can bring an analytical critical perspective to our activities. It wants us to evaluate our actions and see if they have been productive of results. This is the last month of the summer season and it is our last opportunity to accomplish any plans that we have set for ourselves for the summer. If you have not achieved what you intended now is the time to get focused and put your intentions into action. There is an inherent gift of wisdom to be gleaned from what you do now.

Virgo–This is your month to shine so go for it. New opportunities are presenting themselves to you and old goals don’t have that progressive feel to them anymore. A new vision of possibilities is ready to give you a new sense of direction. On a personal level there is a strong drive to grow and evolve and unfold more of your potential. On a worldly level you are maturing into your power and authority.

13-08 Sun in Virgo