From the Supreme Oneness is precipitated Father God/ Mother Goddess who are the parents of the Creation. From this cosmic beginning the fundamental polarity of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine unfolds in all its infinite diversity. The dynamic interplay of these principles is universally expressed throughout all levels of Creation and Life.

In these classes we will explore this cosmic dance as it manifests in the cosmos and the kingdoms of nature. The primary emphasis will be on discussing this manifestation in man and woman. We will examine the unfoldment of these cosmic of the Divine particularly in the sexual roles in today’s society. The mysteries of sex will be discussed within the context of the evolution of consciousness. At the present time we are at a critical phase and we need to understand the reasons why and the direction in which this expression of life is moving.

This class will be held on Thursday November 14 and 21 from 7 to 9 pm. The cost is $30.00. There is limited space so please call. email or please visit my event page on my website.

10841 Blueberry Road, Truckee 530 550-1118

The cds for the classes Crop Circles: Contemporary and Ancient Mysteries and World Crisis Update 2013 are now available. The cost for each class CD is $20.00. If you would like to purchase these CDs you can pay on my website by visiting my product page or send me a check to: PO Box 727, Truckee, Ca 96160. Be sure to include your return address.

In my recent travels to Europe I spent time in England and Ireland at ancient megalithic sacred sites. These are also the areas of a significant amount of contemporary crop circle activity. The debate continues as to whether the crop circles are real or a hoax. If they are real, what do they signify. This modern phenomenon is important for human understanding at this time.

This class will focus on crop circles and explore what they are, how they are created, who and what creates them, and what their meaning and significance is. We will delve into the esoteric understanding of sacred geometry and number as a universal language and its role in the creation of the universe. The purpose and meaning of the stone circles and other megalithic monuments will also be discussed.

These classes will be held on Thursday August 22 and 29 from 7 to 9 pm. The cost is $30.00. There is limited space so please visit my Event page on my website to make a reservation.


The CDs for the classes The Holy Grail and World Crisis Update 2013 are now available. The cost for each class is $20.00. If you would like to purchase these CDs then you can order and pay through my website or send me a check to PO Box 727, Truckee, CA 96160. Be sure to include your return address.

In many respects the current world situation may seem as if things are settling down but underneath the surface tensions and conflicts are building up. As we get closer to 2014 and 2015 there will be a sharp escalation of the stress in the collective consciousness of mankind.

This class will focus on the ongoing developments in the political, financial and natural disasters in the world. The focus will be on the United States and our position and role at this time of change and transformation. It may be difficult to tell but something good is happening. A time of cleansing and purification is taking place that will result in a better world. This will be a very practical but also a deeply spiritual class. Remember forewarned is forearmed.

This class will be held on Thursday July 18 and 25 from 7 to 9 pm. Space is limited so please call me email to reserve a space. The cost is $25.00.

For signup or more information please visit my event page

It has been many years since there has been an increase in my fees.

As of August 1st, 2013, my hourly charge for readings will be $150.00. My charge for classes will be $30.00.

For those of you that would like to pre-pay for readings, you can purchase them at the current price until July 31st, 2013 – no limit!

I hope that the raising of my fees will not result in inconvenience for any of you. Thank you for your understanding.

CD’s for the class King Arthur, the Round Table and the Holy Grail are now available for $25.00.

For those of you interested in Astrology the first classes 1-24 are available on MP3 for $300.00.

If you are interested please send a check or go to my website: and pay on PayPal.

Be sure to include your return address.
My address is:
PO Box 727, Truckee, Ca 96160

With daily headlines proclaiming new crises from the IRS scandal, the Associated Press bugging, the NSA revelations, to the expansion of the war in Syria, the people in Brazil taking to the streets, Europe’s continuing economic malaise, the riots in Turkey, the downturn of China’s economic miracle, the gridlock of the U. S. Congress, extreme weather in the U. S. and Europe and the increasing internationnal tension over the Snowden affair, it feels as if the world is falling apart. Unfortunately if we look at the next two years we are going to see that things could get significantly worse. But we want to understand what is behind all of these crises and what direction these situations are taking us.

The difficult times are affecting everyone–some more than others. There is a great deal of fear in the collective consciousness of mankind. People are sensing that something very significant is unfolding. Most people would agree that something is seriously wrong with our current society and civilization and things can’t continue in their present mode. Traditional belief systems, values and institutions are increasingly viewed as dysfunctional and serving the needs of the few.

At a personal level the ongoing crisis is resulting in an awakening of awareness that something important is missing that needs to be reclaimed. We need to be conscious of the fact that we live in the most materialistic culture and civilization in human history. To the degree that the underlying spiritual basis of all life is ignored then we will find that what we create is built on sand and it will not last. People are beginning to awaken to their inner life and beginning to explore the deeper realities of their being and life itself. this growing awareness is is establishing a new balance in people’s lives which can potentially influence society in a positive way.

It is time that we objectively look at our own lives and see what we can do to improve ourselves. We all have areas of our lives that we can improve upon and become better people. This is how the world will change for the better. As the individual improves himself then it automatically improves the whole of which he is a part. The world is not going to change through the passage of new laws.

The time in which we live is very special. It involves a major shift in consciousness individually and collectively. It is a time of moving from the darkness into the light. Mankind is in a process of attuning to a higher reality and a new clarity of consciousness that will shift us into balance and harmony with each other and nature. Quality of life will significantly change for the better.

Think of this time as a neede cleansing and purification that is leading us to an improved situation of health. Mankind is sick, it is ill. When we are sick there is a health crisis. Our temperature increases, which is the fire of spirit, and as a result our vibrational frequency increases. The toxicity of the body is forced to the surface to be burned off. This is where we are at now–the toxicity of our way of life is being pushed into our face so that we realize that something is wrong and we need to do something about it. It is also reflected in the increasing intensity of life and the acceleration of our experience of time. We will see that this health crisis of humanity will reach a crescendo in 2014 and 2015. But then we come out the other side cleansed and purified and in a more elevated state of consciousness and a better quality of life. Something good is happening that is very important. We need to understand what is going on and why. This should help us deal with what the universe presents to us. If we can consciously align ourselves with the positive forces of change we will experience tangible benefits in our personal lives and then we become part of the solution and not part of the problem. It is your choice. I look forward to seeing you on the other side.

My website ( continues to grow and evolve. Now you can choose to receive the horoscope of the Sun signs that you would prefer.

At the bottom of this email, click on “update subscription preferences” and this will take you to a new website. On this new page, please update applicable fields and select the Sun signs that you would like to receive once a month.

You have the choice of receiving the New Moon/ Full Moon analysis once a month as well. This is a description of the monthly lunation cycle and its effect on your life. Once all selections have been made, please click on the blue button labeled ” Update Profile”. Then you will start receiving these reports each month.

In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal it reported that there was a noticeable trend with retiring baby boomers. After pursuing money, comfort and status for most of their lives many boomers are looking to fulfill the more spiritual and idealistic part of their lives. They are looking for more meaning and purpose and the opportunity to be of greater service to their fellow man. Many are heading to theological school where they have become the fastest growing age group in recent years. They are putting in years of field work and study to become chaplains, spiritual counselors, missionaries, educators and social workers.

Many of the natural and social disasters of recent years have created vast and diverse opportunities for helping those in need. The structural parts of our society are strained to the limits to help people in need. Thus the significant increase in volunteers to help the people that are struggling. On the NBC Evening News every night they have a piece titled “Making A Difference” which chronicles people doing good out of the goodness of their hearts. It is very inspiring and balances out the impact of the rest of the bad news.
Difficult times create the opportunity for us to step forward and help the less fortunate. Whether it is helping to serve meals for the homeless or helping your sick neighbor next door–it helps them but it also helps you. There is a genuine feeling of well being that is very special that is the result.

This is the opening of our hearts to give and receive love with people that are total strangers. But it opens us up to a part of ourselves that is the true spiritual essence of our being. In many cases this is a part of ourselves that we have denied but it now wants to come forth into expression. There is a hidden secret here that many that do good know–that they receive back in a beautiful way more than they give out in helping others.

These are the times in which we are in. We are at a point in the development of consciousness where we can now open our hearts to a new and expanded level of love. With the expression of love comes the increased realization of joy, happiness and well being. We are in the process of discovering a new and better way to live. This is the future. We are our brother’s keeper. We are all in this life together. There is not a single problem in the world that can’t be solved by opening up our hearts.