Full Moons are crescendos of power. There is something that has been building for the prior two weeks that is reaching a climax now. This Aquarius Full Moon which occurs on August 10 is also a super Moon. A super Moon is when the Moon in its orbit comes closest to Earth. This proximity to the Earth increases the intensity and power of the Full Moon.
A Full Moon always consists of the Moon in opposition to the Sun. This Full Moon the Moon is in Aquarius 18 degrees and the Sun is in Leo 18 degrees. Aquarius is the sign of the zodiac that rules the goal of human evolution–enlightenment. This influence wants to uplift us to live a more enlightened life.
The keyword for this Full Moon is Inspiration. Inspiration is an inner state of being elevation and expansion of consciousness. This is a spark that can result in seeing life in a new and inspiring way. It has the potential to result in enlightened change. As we share this inspiration with others it can manifest in positive change in group consciousness.
The Sun and Mercury are conjunct and opposing the Moon. The planet Uranus sextiles the Moon and trines the Sun and Mercury adding support to the energy of illumination at this time. The Sun, Mercury, Moon, Uranus and the Dragon’s Head form a mystic rectangle which supports unlimited transformation. Saturn and Mars are squaring the Sun and Moon representing the old stuck patterns of conflict that need to be addressed and healed. Don’t let fear hold you back from the enlightened change that is wanting to happen.
The New Moon this month falls in Virgo 2 degrees on August 25. This is seed planting time for new intentions of personal growth. Virgo is very mental and analytical. It is a mutable earth sign that manifests as worldly wisdom. It represents the wisdom and understanding that we acquire through our worldly experience and work.
The keyword for this New Moon is Achievement. This si our ability to have a thought or idea that we put into action to manifest in concrete objective form. The achievement is to be physically verifiable like a book, business, meal, song etc. It represents our ability for skill in action. Our creativity is to manifest in form.
The New Moon is trining Pluto which supports our drive to grow and evolve and actualize our potential. Neptune opposes the New Moon which challenges us to keep our focus to follow through with our intention to completion and fulfillment. Mercury, the planetary ruler of Virgo and this New Moon, is also trining Pluto and sextiling Mars and Saturn supporting the potential successful result of your actions.

14-08 Aquarius Full Moon14-08 Virgo New Moon

On Friday August 1 from 12:30 to 1:30 Pacific Time I will be interviewed by Leisa Peterson. Leisa is well established in the financial world and has recently established her own company to approach and deal with money issues in a more spiritual and enlightened way. There will be opportunities for the audience to ask questions. If you are interested in participating you can get a call in number and pin#.

The link is: http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/2D4OZUKRU7UEC3E6
I look forward to talking with you.

Apologies to everyone. We have been severely technically challenged these past 3 months but now we are back up and running. A series of technical issues arose from my website being hacked and shut down to my inability to send and receive emails. A number of you have called to see if I was still alive — and I am. There are postings to my website and emails that are being caught up with missed articles and horoscopes. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for any of you. Thanks for your understanding.


We now have CDs available for the Meditation 2 class and the Karma and Reincarnation 2 class. They are $20.00 each. If you would like to purchase them then go to my product page of my website–astrologicalalchemy.com –and purchase them or send me a check to: PO Box 727, Truckee, Ca 96160. Be sure to include your return address and title of the CDs you would like.

Class from November 14, 2013

From the Supreme Oneness is precipitated Father God/ Mother Goddess who are the parents of the Creation. From this cosmic beginning the fundamental polarity of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine unfolds in all its infinite diversity. The dynamic interplay of these principles is universally expressed throughout all levels of Creation and Life.

In these classes we will explore this cosmic dance as it manifests in the cosmos and the kingdoms of nature. The primary emphasis will be on discussing this manifestation in man and woman. We will examine the unfoldment of these cosmic of the Divine particularly in the sexual roles in today’s society. The mysteries of sex will be discussed within the context of the evolution of consciousness. At the present time we are at a critical phase and we need to understand the reasons why and the direction in which this expression of life is moving.

If you would like to receive a cd of this class please visit my product page at AstrologicalAlchemy.com or send me a check to: Robert Ayres, PO Box 727, Truckee, Ca 96160. Be sure to include your return address and which CD you are wanting to purchase.

The media has been pushing and highlighting Black Friday and its creep into Thanksgiving with major store chains opening during “turkey day”. Then there is Cyber Monday which is promoted as the time to do your online shopping. The news reports on how much we spend on gifts down to the average dollar amount and whether we spent more last year or not distorts this time of year to fundamental materialistic values.

There are economic reasons to monitor our spending activity because we are still in a 5 year recession but the focus on buying stuff we don’t need is what got us in this mess in the first place. We are a culture that is deeply immersed into materialism. This is nothing new but it is worth noting. The primary issue is that we have been living beyond our means and we are in a debt crisis. Our answer to this situation is to spend our way out of it. This is ridiculous.

This mindset also detracts and distracts from the fact that now is the most holy and sacred time of year and that tends to get lost in the “shop ’till you drop” frenzy.

Each season of the year has its special consciousness and energy. The Winter Season is the holy or sacred time of year. If we observe nature the annual plants die and the deciduous plants lose their leaves and the life force is drawn down into the roots. The animals hibernate and go into a deep state of sleep. All of nature is shifting from outer expression to inner being. Mankind is designed to shift with the seasons and during the Winter our attention is to turn within to soul and spirit. This reconnection with the source of our being is regenerative. This is a natural time for meditation, contemplation and prayer.

We tend to think that Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas and other holidays are celebrations of events long past. But the truth is that these events are relived in current time each year in the spiritual worlds. The opportunity to consciously connect with these spiritual events is real and available to everyone. But one needs to take the time and make the space in one’s life to align with these energies and connect with them. You will find it a life transforming experience.

So in this busy hectic time try to create the space in your life to truly honor and celebrate these holy days.

The Cosmic Temple class CD is now available for purchase. You can either visit my website’s product page and click on the Cosmic Temple link or you can send a check for $20.00 to:

Robert Ayres
P. O. Box 727
Truckee, CA 96160

Please include your mailing address and list which product you are ordering with the check.

Thank you,

Robert Ayres

I still have room available for my upcoming classes, The Cosmic Temple which will be held on October 17th and the 24th at 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM and in addition, The Cosmic Dance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine which will be held on November 14th and 21st at 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.

The Cosmic Temple

The archetype of the temple is primordial. It defines a place that is set aside as sacred space for the worship of the Divine. It is also a place for the indwelling of the Divine–The House of God. The spiritual traditions tell us that the cosmos, the Earth and the human body are all temples for the indwelling and worship of the Spirit. In the Western tradition Soloman’s Temple is the archetype of this House of God and the cathedrals are also expressions of this intention and its body of knowledge.

This class will explore these themes and examine the esoteric knowledge of the manifestation and structure of Creation that is the basis of all temple design. We will also examine the human body’s design as temple and representative of the microcosm and macrocosm. We each have a responsibility to make our body temple a fit dwelling place for the Divine. The class will also examine the spiritual organizations traditionally associated with the building of the temple–the Masons and the Knights Templar. Associated themes will also be included.

The Cosmic Dance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine

From the Supreme Oneness is precipitated Father God/ Mother Goddess who are the parents of the Creation. From this cosmic beginning the fundamental polarity of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine unfolds in all its infinite diversity. The dynamic interplay of these principles is universally expressed throughout all levels of Creation and Life.

In these classes we will explore this cosmic dance as it manifests in the cosmos and the kingdoms of nature. The primary emphasis will be on discussing this manifestation in man and woman. We will examine the unfoldment of these cosmic of the Divine particularly in the sexual roles in today’s society. The mysteries of sex will be discussed within the context of the evolution of consciousness. At the present time we are at a critical phase and we need to understand the reasons why and the direction in which this expression of life is moving.

Please visit my events page at: http://box5126.temp.domains/~astrolw4/events/ to sign up for these classes.

Robert Ayres

We are witnessing our government self destruct. Our whole world and country are polarized and in a significant state of conflict. At some point these adversarial positions must be balanced, harmonized and integrated but it appears that we are not at that point yet. No one is ready to enter into meaningful dialogue and compromise. Communication has broken down. People are talking at each other and not listening. If discussions are being done they are not being done in good faith.

In terms of our representative government they seem to have lost any sense of responsibility. It appears that they would just as soon see the Federal Government go down in flames than acquiese in their strident demands.

If the United States falls apart, especially in the realm of money and finance, it will negatively affect the whole world. Our financial system is the basis of the global financial system with the dollar being the reserve currency of the world. If we cannot pass a budget or raise the debt ceiling then the government will shut down and we will default on our financial obligations. Our Congress is playing with fire and the consequences could be quite serious.

What is really going on here? In the bigger picture of life there are forces of creation and destruction. We have gotten to a point where a significant number of our elected representatives actually would like to destroy the Federal Government. This passive/ aggressive behavior isn’t necessarily conscious. They dislike the government because they feel it has gotten too big and enacts policies that they don’t like. So let’s just stop funding it.

We need to see things as they really are. The element of death and destruction is operative in our government and this is an unsustainable situation. The conservatives want to take us back to a simpler time but that is unrealistic. It is similar to fundamentalist Islam wanting to take us back to the Middle Ages. There are also individuals in Congress that would like to enact their own form of sharia or religious law as the law of the land. There are good reasons why our Founding Fathers established the separation of church and state. In a democracy we don’t appreciate others telling us what we should believe and how we should live our personal lives. The religious right has been rising up globally to combat the social and political effects of modern society. They want to take us back to simpler times. They harbor a great deal of anger and hatred against our government and society and would just as soon see it destroyed. They relish in their power as a minority to bring down the citadel. True believers believe that they can do no wrong.

Unfortunately the situation will most likely get worse before it gets better. But what we are going through is part of a much larger cleansing and purification process. We are in a time of transition and the old is giving way to the new. It is a death and rebirth process that is moving us in the direction of a more enlightened society. Mankind is sick. When someone is sick there is a health crisis. There is an increased temperature or fever that forces the toxicity to the surface so that it can be released and a new state of health can be established. Heat is the result of fire and fire is spirit. Spirit is greatly enlivened now for the unfolding of higher states of consciousness which forces the lower states to be cleansed, prged and transformed.

It is important that we understand that something good is happening and we are in the middle of a health crisis that will result in a more healthy state of being. A major shift in consciousness is underway. In traditional spiritual terminology of self development we are in the midst of a process of intense stress release. We are releasing darkness and ignorance in order to let a new level of light to come in. So be that center of light within your family and community. The dawning of a new day is unfolding.

The archetype of the temple is primordial. It defines a place that is set aside as sacred space for the worship of the Divine. It is also a place for the indwelling of the Divine–The House of God. The spiritual traditions tell us that the cosmos, the Earth and the human body are all temples for the indwelling and worship of the Spirit. In the Western tradition Soloman’s Temple is the archetype of this House of God and the cathedrals are also expressions of this intention and its body of knowledge.

This class will explore these themes and examine the esoteric knowledge of the manifestation and structure of Creation that is the basis of all temple design. We will also examine the human body’s design as temple and representative of the microcosm and macrocosm. We each have a responsibility to make our body temple a fit dwelling place for the Divine. The class will also examine the spiritual organizations traditionally associated with the building of the temple–the Masons and the Knights Templar. Associated themes will also be included.

This class will be given on Thursday October 17 and 24 from 7 to 9 pm. Space is limited sp please call, email or visit my event page on my website. The cost is $30.00.

10841 Blueberry Road, Truckee 530 550-1118