The modern master of myth, Joseph Campbell, coined the phrase- “Follow your bliss.” This is a profound reminder of an important principle to guide your life by. It is a spiritual truth that at the core foundation of all life is the state of joy, bliss and happiness. In our stressed out world of turmoil and conflict most people have a difficult time connecting with this state of bliss. But we all yearn for it and strive to achieve it.

When the Sun enters into Leo on July 22, the Sun representing our higher spiritual Self, comes home to its place of rulership. Now is the time that is most supportive to reconnect with the joy of life. Now is the height of the summer season when most people go on vacation. This is the time to play, have fun, do what you love to do and follow your bliss.

Tahoe is the vacation destination for hundreds of thousands of people to relax, enjoy and explore nature. For most people recreation is an important means of reconnecting with the joy of life and we are in a wonderland of opportunity in that regard. For those of us who live here we get to recreate every day. Go for it!

Virgo ( August 22-September 21 ) The need for you to change certain patterns in your life that are holding you back is important. You need a new vision and plan for the future. Patterns of thought surrounding money should be examined critically. Also the stars are saying that you are not as happy as you could be. A new vision of possibilities is being presented to you.

14-08 Sun in Leo


This is the time to focus on finances. With the current state of the U. S. and global economic situation we are heading into more challenging times. We have survived the past 5 years of monetary contraction with some tepid signs of moving beyond the longest recession since World War II. Even though there are some positive signs of sustainable recovery we are about to enter into another and deeper phase of contraction. We should each get our financial house in order to the best of our ability. That means reducing monthly overhead or expenses and reduce your debt as much as possible. Put as much money into savings as you can. But not in the stock market. It is about at the top and another severe stock market correction is coming. Try to secure and expand your income if possible.

Locally here at Tahoe we have had a rough economic winter. With very little snow the ski resorts and associated tourist businesses have struggled to make it. This has had an effect on the overall community. Tahoe will always be a significant resort destination. It has so many unique qualities and is close to major urban centers. But we need to be more creative and diversify our economy. There has been tremendous creative expression here in the past and there will be more in the future.

The Sun enters Taurus this month on April 19. This fixed earth sign is that which manifests the energy and consciousness of creating wealth and abundance. The Bull is the symbol of fertility and rules money. This is the time to plant the seeds of new creative financial and monetary ideas That will reach fruition and harvest in the summer and fall.

Virgo ( August 22-September 21 ) Use your mental and communication abilities at work in order to differentiate yourself from everyone else. You want your skills to be recognized by the powers that be. This can be a rough month at work so use your mind to read situations and do right action. There will most likely be significant conflict but there will also be opportunities to advance your position.

14-04 Sun in Taurus

Sun in Aries

Virgo ( August 22–September 21 ) This is an excellent time to develop your mind. Spiritual practice like meditation and yoga are supported now for your personal development. To the degree that you make these practices a regular part of your daily life you will experience an overall improvement in your quality of life. That would be a good thing.

14-03 Sun in Aries


The Sun enters Pisces on February 18. The Sun’s passage through the last sign of the zodiac completes its annual journey. Appropriately Pisces is that constellation that rules spirituality and idealism. After we have been exposed to the different energies and consciousness of life as represented by the signs of the zodiac , we reach our completion and fulfillment in the ultimate reality of spirituality. It is time to turn our attention within in meditation and contemplation of the deeper realities of life. This is the most conducive time to ground spirit into matter. By doing this we prepare ourselves for the unfoldment of a new cycle beginning on Spring Equinox next month.

Virgo ( August 22–September 21 ) It is time to acknowledge and confront your fears. They have been holding you back and limiting you. It is all in your mind and you need to change your thinking from negative to positive. Your ability to connect with your courage is available to you now. It can give you the strength and confidence to face your fears and work through them and come out the other side a new person.

14-02 Sun in Pisces


The Sun enters Aquarius on January 19. It is always nice to begin the new year with the uplifting energy of Aquarius. This sign of the zodiac is what rules the goal of human evolution–self realization, enlightenment and cosmic consciousness. It also expresses through genius, originality and creativity that thinks outside the box to come up with new answers for old problems. Aquarius also rules freedom and liberation which is manifesting in increased questioning and challenging the control and manipulation of the power structures of society. The Waterbearer rules initiation into higher states of consciousness which is evident in the awakening of the masses of people to the fact that there are serious things wrong with our society. The light that the Sun in Aquarius shines at the beginning of the year can help us find the right direction to pursue for the balance of the year.

Virgo ( August 22–September 21 ) Your practical analytical mind is focused on applying new creative ideas to your work. Besides your mental activity you feel some strong feelings and emotions. There is an opportunity for romance and there is an intensity to this potential experience that can be stronger than anything that you have experienced before.

14-01 Sun in Aquarius


The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21. This marks the Winter Solstice–The beginning of the winter season. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. From this point the days will get progressively longer and the nights shorter until Summer Solstice. The ongoing expansion of light and shadow is one of the fundamental themes of life.

In the annual passage of the Sun through the signs of the zodiac which manifests as the seasons, the life cycle of birth, growth, decay and death are experienced. Capricorn and the winter season are the death part of this cyclic process. Death is the releasing and letting go of that which no longer serves us. This is followed by rebirth in the spring.

Think of this time of year as that of endings and completions–when the outer physical form aspect of life dissolves into the invisible worlds. This is the time of year of the holidays or holy days. Most cultures traditionally recognize this time as most conducive for connecting with the spiritual worlds. It is a time of reflection, meditation, prayer and celebration of the deeper spiritual impulses of life.

The Sun’s passage through Capricorn wants us to make a conscious review of the just completed year. It is an exercise in memory that begins with the last day of the year and proceeds backwards in time to the first day of the year. There is a spiritual benefit to doing this exercise and on a practical level in can reveal some hidden insights to us. It also helps us to make a more intelligent plan for the upcoming year.

Virgo ( August 23-September 22 ) There is a need for you to find a proper balance between your career and professional life and your domestic personal life. Some disrupting events can unexpectedly come out of left field and destabilize things. Be prepared for some upset. You need to deal with these situations.

13-12 Sun in Capricorn


The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21. This is the time when we are near the end of the year and we can look back and take stock of what we have experienced and accomplished. It is harvest time both literally and figuratively. We celebrate Thanksgiving now which is a truly Sagittarian holiday. We give thanks and have gratitude for the abundance that life has bestowed upon us–both material and spiritual. Sagittarius also wants us to review our year and distill wisdom and understanding from our experiences. What have we learned so that as we make plans for the future we can choose more wisely?

Virgo–Now is an excellent time for you to put into action those thoughts and ideas that you have been considering for some time. They are ripe for fulfillment. Remember the cosmic law: thinking is the basis of action; action is the basis of achievement; and achievement is the basis of fulfillment. This is the time for you to go for the gold.

13-11 Sun in Sagittarius


The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22. This fixed water sign is very emotionally powerful and represents the untapped resources of the soul. The depths of the soul are plumbed during the Sun’s passage through this sign. The subconscious mind that Scorpio represents opens up to release much of its contents to conscious awareness. It can be a time of revelation as to unresolved conflicts that still need to be worked on. This creates the opportunity to do our inner work to transform our negatives into positives. Scorpio rules alchemy which is dedicated to turning base metals into gold or transforming darkness into light. It is a time to achieve some significant personal growth.

Virgo–It is time to focus on work and money. There are opportunities now to improve your financial situation. Bring your professional and management ability to the foreground. Organize your time and have the self discipline to stick to your schedule. Make sure that your thinking is clear and you know what you want to accomplish. Clear communication with others is important.

13-10 Sun in Scorpio


The Sun enters into Libra on September 22. This day marks the Fall Equinox. It is the end of Summer and the beginning of the Fall season. Equinox means ” equal night “. At this time the daylight and nighttime hours are equal. As the Sun continues its annual journey into the Southern Hemisphere the days will continue to get shorter and the nights longer. The temperature will continue to drop as the angle of the Sun moves from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere. As the leaves turn, it is now harvest time and the results of the year’s work will be made manifest. On an esoteric note the days of excess and indulgence of the lazy, crazy days of Summer are over and the more sobering days of relative temperance of Fall are upon us. Archangel Michael now reigns supreme and is wanting to bring an influence of cleansing, purification and healing to us. This is to prepare us for the sacred holy days of Winter.

Virgo–It is time to sort out some of the relationship issues in your life. There are some unresolved situations with significant people in your life that are karmic and now the opportunity arises for you to be able to effectively deal with these situations. Be strong and be true to yourself. Do not be overly accomodating. You may have to set some strong boundaries.

13-09 Sun in Libra


The Sun enters Virgo on August 22 which shifts the energy from the fiery passion of Leo to the grounded earthiness of Virgo. This sign of the zodiac is highly mental and it can bring an analytical critical perspective to our activities. It wants us to evaluate our actions and see if they have been productive of results. This is the last month of the summer season and it is our last opportunity to accomplish any plans that we have set for ourselves for the summer. If you have not achieved what you intended now is the time to get focused and put your intentions into action. There is an inherent gift of wisdom to be gleaned from what you do now.

Virgo–This is your month to shine so go for it. New opportunities are presenting themselves to you and old goals don’t have that progressive feel to them anymore. A new vision of possibilities is ready to give you a new sense of direction. On a personal level there is a strong drive to grow and evolve and unfold more of your potential. On a worldly level you are maturing into your power and authority.

13-08 Sun in Virgo